Ten UFOs appear in the sky above Osaka Bay! Small UFOs ejected from mothership? –“Galactic Federation” spacecraft and “Andromeda Council” spacecraft –

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Ten UFOs appear in the sky above Osaka Bay! Small UFOs ejected from mothership? –“Galactic Federation” spacecraft and “Andromeda Council” spacecraft –

These are quite interesting UFO sighting videos. The last UFOs filmed in Massachusetts, in particular, are outstanding.
The UFOs seen in the above two videos are spacecraft of the “Galactic Federation” and they presumably come from the 5th planet of Beta Virginis. The UFOs seen in the last video are spacecraft of the “Andromeda Council” and they presumably come from the 5th planet of Star BE HD191639 in the constellation Capricornus.
According to Cobra information, strangelet and toplet bombs were said to be deployed in many military bases on the earth. I think that deities from the Capricornus defused and nullified such bombs. This is the reason why the earth has escaped from being destroyed and the earth is safe now. I think that in response to this, the contents of Message from Sumiwataru-takakihoshino-himemiko 25 were conveyed.

Masatoshi Takeshita
August 1, 2015

Excerpt from a Japanese article: tocana – July 31, 2015 –

Ten UFOs appear in the sky above Osaka Bay! Small UFOs ejected from mothership?

This video was broadcast in a TV program “Scoop!” on 31. According to an interview with the videographer, this video seems to have been filmed in the sky above Osaka Bay very close to Kansai International Airport around 3 pm on 17th this month.

Ten UFOs are flying freely from right to left and up and down. When seeing this video picture, Tomoaki Ogura, program host, made a comment: “These are not balloons. Quite big, aren’t they?” He said “I have no doubt about the existence of UFOs. I cannot deny the possibility that they are UFOs” as if he had confirmed it were a real UFO video.

In the program was introduced the footage of UFOs filmed in Wisconsin, the U.S., last Saturday, which is remarkably similar to this video. As in Osaka, a number of UFOs appeared and made up a triangular team.

We tocana had an interview with an expert on UFOs about the footage filmed in Osaka.

“What are mistaken for UFOs are illumination kites, airplanes, satellites, hot air balloons, balloons, drones or shooting stars. Judging from the shape, number and “erratic movement” peculiar to UFOs, it can be said that they are probably not mistaken for UFOs. One possibility is that they are small-sized UFO squadrons. The UFO footage filmed in January 2015 in Massachusetts showed UFOs were ejected one after another from the mother ship having small UFOs and then beautifully formed orderly rows. The UFOs are remarkably similar to the UFOs in Osaka. As a matter of fact, strangely enough, we saw another appearance of gigantic mother ship-shaped UFOs near Tokyo Sky Tree in Japan simultaneously with in Massachusetts.”







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