How to Orchestrate A Revolution – Become More Organized Than Those Oppressing – True revolution starts with truth which brings about transformation of consciousness –

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How to Orchestrate A Revolution – Become More Organized Than Those Oppressing – True revolution starts with truth which brings about transformation of consciousness –
I really understand what Mr. Luke Miller the author of this article says. The 99 percent of people are “looking for a fair and just society” and realize deep down that “all people want is love, happiness and to not feel threatened in life.” However, there is a very small group of people who want everything. They are a common enemy of humanity. It seems that the author thinks there are such groups. We can call them the Cabal in a word.
The author says that the 99 percent should put aside some differences and unite against a common enemy to join together. He also says that people have to remain respectful and open-minded to ideas that may be out of your zone of comfort.
What the author says is exactly right, but I think it is actually very difficult to do so. For example, our blog faces a common enemy of humanity. We think that the truth is the most important to liberate humanity and the true evolution is awakening of people from fantasy by knowing the truth.
However, the truth hurts people who indulge in fantasy in many cases.
On this blog we have conveyed such information that most channeled information come from Darkness, SaLuSa has disappeared, and Cobra, an agent of the Cabal, has been destroyed. Such information hurts their devotees. Many people prefer fantasy to the truth.
However, the truth causes a small number of open-minded people to transform consciousness. Such transformation of consciousness produces change in the real world. Let’s take the victory of Mr. Trump in the U.S. presidential election, for example. I think that the biggest reason for his election is his candid talk about the fact of what is happening in the American society. Only he talked honestly to the people about what he is thinking of. This brought about a revolution. Various groups never communicated with one another to make Mr. Trump become president.
To put it the other way around, the truth has enough power to change the world completely. The biggest problem is what prevents open-mindedness. In my opinion, it is elitism, idea of being part of a chosen people represented by concept of eugenics. Religious cult thoughts which originate from religions or esotericism increasingly strengthen this idea. Therefore, it turns out that the shortest route leading to transformation of the world is to expose such self-deception to the ground.

January 24, 2017
Masatoshi Takeshita

Shanti-phula has indicated some parts of the following text in black boldface type or in red letters.

Excerpt from a Japanese article: News On the Other Side of the World – January 22, 2017 –

How To Orchestrate A Revolution – Become More Organized Than Those Oppressing


How To Orchestrate A Revolution –Become More Organized than Those Oppressing
November 25 [Truth Theory]

“You guys are both saying the same thing.
The only reason you’re arguing is because you’re using different words.”
By Samuel Ichiye Hayakawa (Canadian-born American academic and politician of Japanese ancestry)

One of the things I have noticed recently is that there are many groups saying the same thing in a different way.


For example the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is about one group being treated as inferior to another.


For me it seems that the running theme of every movement is that of inequality and people who are looking for a fair and just society that does not exclude their particular group.

So is there a common enemy (maybe not the right word) in these conflicts? It is very confusing and open to interpretation, but to my understanding yes there is.

To my understanding in Israel, the governmental forces (not the Israeli people) believe they deserve more of the Palestinian land than the Palestinians do.


To my understanding there is one group (the Israeli forces) that heavily overpower the other (the Palestinians) this is not to say there is no wrong done by Palestinians, but only that it is like a fight in which one group has rocks to fight with and the other has guns.


It does get confusing as different groups have different opposing opinions, but hypothetically let’s say for a minute that we could temporarily put some of those differences aside.

Then we have a group which includes every movement towards equality all fighting for the same cause against all those who deny that this world should be equal.

The problem I see now is we have many separate movements which are all fighting the same common enemy, but also fighting amongst themselves, which is the perfect divide and conquer strategy for those doing the oppressing,

let’s say we all unite …


But should we do that we then have a true global movement that cannot be stopped.


Every movement, is a metaphor for the same thing, and when we realise that deep down that all (most) people want is love, happiness and to not feel threatened in life, we can work out the rest of our differences.

There is a very small group of people who want everything, the rest of us are happy to share and get along, and the sooner those in the latter group can unify and work together the better, but it needs the leaders of separate movements to set aside some differences and communicate towards the better cause for the collective.

A shift is coming, let’s embrace it and unify.

Please speak in the comments section, it is good to hear the for and against comments of how this could work (or not work) but just remain respectful and open minded to ideas that may be out of your zone of comfort!

Much love to you, Luke

I am Luke Miller the author of this article and creator of Potential For Change. I like to blend psychology and spirituality to help you create more happiness in your life.Grab a copy of my free 33 Page Illustrated eBook- Psychology Meets Spirituality- Secrets To A Supercharged Life You Control Here

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