Moderate rebels being supported by the West are really terrorists: rape, beheading, organ trafficking, etc.

image: 1 & 2
Moderate rebels being supported by the West are really terrorists: rape, beheading, organ trafficking, etc.
Although the first article tells the truth, it is categorized as conspiracy theory.
The second article clearly shows that moderate rebels being supported by the West are really terrorists.
According to the second article, young women living in Allepo were raped and women who refused to be raped were beheaded. The woman who granted an interview is 21 years old and her husband was killed and his body was taken to Turkey. According to her, terrorists pulled out all of his organs and the body put into a bag was returned to her. His organs were not pulled out while he was alive. We can say it is only slightly better. In Ukraine and China, organs were pulled out while people were alive in order to maintain freshness of organs. Pulled out organs would be traded with high price in the world of organ transplant. It seems that terrorists and relevant people get huge profits from such trade. We can see from the article that Turkey also gained profits.
The tweet shows that a seven year-old-girl Bana al-Abed who was utilized to make people believe that atrocities in Aleppo was carried out by the Asad regime takes shelter in Mrs. Erdogan’s house. It is apparent that President Erdogan got involved in such wrongdoing and tried to oust the Asad regime by using terrorists.
Russia and Iran have to deal with President Erdogan. We can see what a difficult negotiation they face. However, there is room for hope for negotiation with Erdogan. There is no room for negotiation with the Obama administration. You can see how rotten the Obama administration is.

December 23, 2016
Masatoshi Takeshita

Shanti-phula has indicates some parts of the following text in black boldface type or in red letters.

English translation of the Japanese version of Pars Today – December 21, 2016 –

Mr. Stephen Lendman, an American writer, told that terrorist attacks are created by the West.

Mr. Lendman told in an interview with Press TV on 20, Tuesday: “Many of so-called terrorist attacks occurring in Western countries are the work of intelligence agencies and governments in the West.

He also told: “The West is not satisfied with the victory of the Syrian government forces in liberation of Allepo, northern city in Syria.”

According to Mr. Lendman, Saudi Arabia and the Zionist Israeli government play a role in America’s imperial wars and they carry out international Imperial policies in the region.

Furthermore, he said: “Terrors are an excuse of America and the West for bringing about wars against Muslims in the Middle East.

English translation of the Japanese version of Sputnik – December 22, 2016 –

Allepo woman talks about tortures; terrorists were not humans

A woman living in eastern Allepo spoke with Sputnik. Covering her face with a handkerchief, the woman talked about what kinds of tortures she and other women endured while Allepo was occupied by terrorist.

“What kind of wrongdoing did I do?” the young woman started talking. This does not mean simply towns in Allepo. She talks about executions and rapes. Numerous women were forced to get married. After quickly finishing a Muslim wedding ceremony, terrorists raped women and broke off their marriage in a few hours. If a woman was going to marry a man who was not a terrorist, she was executed. Women were totally banned to work and they were robbed of the means to feed themselves and their families.
Citizens were at the depths of fear. “A car comes. We see hands out of the window. The hands hold decapitated heads of women. Terrorists go around the area like this to plant fear in our mind.”
If a person was accused of a small-time crime, the person was taken to top floor of a seven-storied building and thrown off of it. If the person survived, then the person was thrown off again until the person died.

The interviewee was a 21-year-old woman. She has terrible post-burn scars spreading all over the body. Terrorists denied medical treatment to her. Her husband was killed. His body was taken to Turkey under the direction of terrorists, where they pulled out all of his organs and returned the body to me. The body of my husband lay rolled up in a bag because it became smaller.
Who provides fake news for what purpose and how? Please read the following news on this.


Syrian girl, 7, who tweeted from Aleppo meets Turkey's Erdogan

— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) 2016年12月21日
Distributed by Twitter – December 22, 2016 –

Syrian girl, 7, who tweeted from Aleppo meets Turkey’s Erdogan
December 22, 2016  03:05


— 知足的隠遁者 (@SukiyakiSong) 2016年12月21日
Chisokuteki Intonsha
*She evacuated at Mrs. Edrogan’s home
December 22, 2016  02:24

(写真追加)シリア北部アレッポ(Aleppo)から内戦の惨状をツイッター(Twitter)につづり、その名が一躍世界に知れ渡った7歳の少女バナ・アルアベド(Bana al-Abed)さんが19日、同市から無事避難したことが分かった。

— AFPBB News (@afpbbcom) 2016年12月21日
(Photo added) A 7-year-old girl Bana al-Abed, who tweeted
from norther Syria Aleppo about miserable state of civil war
and whose name has been widely known all over the world,
was found to safely evacuate out of the town on 19.
December 21, 2016  23:30

[December 19 AFP]
Girl who continues to twee the miserable state of
Northern Syria Aleppo safely evacuates out of there
A 7-year-old girl who continued to tweet from norther Syria Aleppo
about miserable state of civil war and whose name has been
widely known all over the world







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