“Galactic Confederation” and “Galactic Federation of Light” have been accepted as divine organizations and become true Light forces! Pope Francis and representative of the Chimera Group have already turned over a new leaf and there is a possibility that all heads of the 13 Families will turn over a new leaf

image: pixabay [CC0]
“Galactic Confederation” and “Galactic Federation of Light” have been accepted as divine organizations and become true Light forces! Pope Francis and representative of the Chimera Group have already turned over a new leaf and there is a possibility that all heads of the 13 Families will turn over a new leaf
The photo seen in the first article gives us surprise. It is impossible to explain it as natural phenomenon. Probably, the five beams on the left side of photo are emitted by the “Galactic Confederation” and the three beams on the left side are emitted by the “Galactic Federation of Light.” Shooting date is November 9. I think that this indicates that they have been accepted as divine organizations.

Therefore, we are not going to call them “relative light” from now on. We can say that they have become true Light forces.

In TOCANA, information from Mr. Corey Goode is picked up. According to him, there were UFOs on board which aliens called Pre-Adamites arrived on Earth about 55,000 years ago and also their remains in ancient ruins discovered in Antarctica. At that time, after Pre-Adamites colonized Antarctica and merged with earthlings, their descendants were scattered and became the bloodlines of the current royal families.

According to Mr. Corey Goode, royal families, descendants of this hybrid race want to have earthlings recognize Pre-Adamites as God and want to claim them to be children of God in order to secure their status in future earth.

I think that those who read information I provide on this blog would understand that Pre-Adamites are just aliens and they are not deities.

According to information from Cobra in the second article, Pre-Adamites are Alchon families and are the core of the Illuminati. According to Cobra, the Chimera group is at the top of the Cabal. This group is connected to the U.S. Air Force and the chain of command is more direct from the Chimera group to certain top brass personnel in the Air Force

This makes us understand the reason why Secretary of Defense Mattis cannot take full control of the U.S. army.

By the way, the Chimera group members turned over a new leaf this morning. Their representative visited me around at half past eleven, of course, on plasma level. They have achieved spiritual salvation and they are now in extremely high vibration.

Pope Francis, who has the greatest influence as an Archon who was reincarnated as a human being on earth, has already turned over a new leaf. One of heads of the Black Nobility (13 Zoroastrian families) led by Italy, which take control of the front Illuminati, had cooperated with me from the early period on in the Reformation of Heavenly World. Therefore, there is a possibility that all heads of the 13 families will turn over a new leaf. I’d like to carefully observe how the situation develops in the future.

Masatoshi Takeshita
Nov 13, 2017

Quoted from VX – November 9, 2017 –

Excerpt from a Japanese article: TOCANA – November 12, 2017 –

Former U.S. military personnel with supernatural power revealed the existence of “Pre-Adamites (3.6 meter tall)”!  “They used to live in Antarctica. I witnessed them on board a UFO of Anshar, inner earth inhabitant.”

Mr. Corey Goode  Quoted from “Sphere Being Alliance

An insider who allegedly got engaged in a secret program of the U.S. government revealed the fact that there exist ancient alien ruins under Antarctica.


Mr. Goode says that a senior officer within a USAF have told him about the secret of ancient alien ruins existing under Antarctica which was discovered by Nazi Germany in 1939. It is said that aliens called “Pre-Adamites” who are allegedly the race before Adam and 10 -12 feet (3 – 3.6 meter) tall lived in the ruins and in recent years the U.S. military has been secretly excavating the ruins. According to Mr. Goode, about 55,000 years ago Pre-Adamites arrived on Earth on board gigantic three UFOs about 30 miles in diameter and settled down.


He said that in January 2017, Mr. Corey Goode flied to Antarctic and witnessed the ruins. And surprisingly, he was taken there by “Anshar,” one of the seven Inner Earth civilizations.


When he stepped inside the ruins, to his surprise, there were the remains of Pre-Adamites.

Pre-Adamite (image)  Quoted from “Exopolitics


Mr. Gonzales took biological samples of Pre-Adamites and took pictures of the remains. At present, this classified information is kept in safe custody by the U.S. military.

(The rest is omitted)

Excerpt from PFC-JAPAN OFFICIAL – October 26, 2017 –

Joint Cobra / Dr. Michael Salla Interview By Unknown Lightwarrior



COBRA: So-called pre-Adamites, this is a name of the group which actually formed the Illuminati – it’s um – the core of the group is coming from the Andromeda galaxy. <snip> .. Archon families.  <snip>  Yes, or black nobility.


Those initial archons arrived here a little bit less – I would say around 900
thousand years ago.


They have made Planet Earth actually a dark planet with everybody just recycling through the incarnation process with nobody allowed to go in and out here except when allowed by the archons and by the Chimera group.   <snip> They (the Chimer group) were controlling the whole narrative for the whole time.

It was an actually the Archons and the Chimera were leading the way and they were actually importing the Reptilian-Draco slaves from the Orion star systems. You see, the Dracos were like the middlemen, like the strategists, the military commanders, the slaveholders…


Actually, I need to say something. It is not like this – suddenly there will be beings with tails and shape-shifting walking around the planet, but there is a certain part of the Reptilian race which incarnated – so the Reptilian soul is incarnated within the humanoid body so it looks like a normal human  <snip> you can find many of those Reptilians among mercenaries. They tend to gravitate towards that kind of profession.


So, as I said the Navy Secret Space Program receives intel from the Pleiadians and guidance from the Pleiadians and guidance from the Galactic Confederation but   <snip>  The Air Force does receive… its more in the grip of the Chimera Group. I would say that many of the remaining Chimera members are positioned within the Air Force – US Air Force – and also in the militaries of other countries….   <snip> But the chain of command is more direct from the Chimera group to certain top brass personnel in the Air Force.

(The rest is omitted)






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