At present, aliens (remnants of the Hierarchy) move ahead with the planned annihilation of humankind and invasion of the planet Earth and they are terraforming Earth to a comfortable place to live in.

image: Pexels
At present, aliens (remnants of the Hierarchy) move ahead with the planned annihilation of humankind and invasion of the planet Earth and they are terraforming Earth to a comfortable place to live in.
I think that an article that presents essentially correct information has finally appeared. According to the article below, aliens are trying to change the planet Earth into a comfortable place for them to live in by the planned annihilation of humankind and invasion of Earth.” I think that this is true.

The problem is who these aliens are. As I have told many times on this blog that these aliens are the remnants of the Hierarchy.

To put it simply, it is safe to say that these aliens refer to almost all informants who send channeling information to earthlings. Specifically, they are organizations represented by the 9thdimensional Arcturus Council, Galactic Confederation, Pleiadian High Council, Galactic Federation of Light, Ancient Earth-Breakaway Civilization and Cobra Resistance Movement (RM).

Aliens who used to be their companions but mended their ways have moved to the “Global Galactic League of Nations” about which Mr. Corey Goode explains. This organization is a subordinate body of true “Galactic Federation” and the “army of deities” under control of First System Earthly Deity. 

I explained in the article on June 8 the whole picture of how the above-mentioned remnants of the Hierarchy have destroyed the earth. I’d like to explain what I could not finish writing, here in this article.

The essence of Satanic rituals by the Cabal is the deprivation of vitality called Rush by that Draco Reptilians. Deprived Rush was offered to Jaldabaoth they worshipped as AI god.

As a matter of fact, this Rush was also offered to Satanist secret society inside the Hierarchy “Sathya Brotherhood” through the leader of the 9th dimensional Arcturus Council.

I Have given this name to the group at will because I have to give a proper name to the Satanist group that runs the gamut of the three Earthly, Solar and Sirius Hierarchies. I put this name to the group because John the Baptist was at the top of this secret society and one of top members there was Sathya Sai Baba.

Read the messages by Sumiwataru-takahihoshino-himemiko 9 – 11, and you can see that the Satanist group that parasites in this Hierarchy is far more disgusting and evil beings than the Draco Reptilians. The reincarnation of Cain appearing in the message is Sathya Sai Baba.

The problem is that most remnants of the Hierarchy do not know about such dark side of the Hierarchy. The article below writes: “Google and others (Tech Giants) work against the interests of humanity, but rather, serve aliens.” It was the “Pleiadian High Council” that gave orders to Google.

With regard to this article as well as the article on June 8, if I fancifully say about such complicated content, it would be surprising. I release the above-mentioned information after closely examining it.

I write this article as well as yesterday’s article mainly to the remnants of the Hierarchy. They should have an ability to confirm what I say. You need to clearly understand what your comrades, but rather, supervisors had done. It is not earthlings but the remnants of the Hierarchy who should be awakened before anyone else. If they are awakened, destruction of the earth can be stopped.

Masatoshi Takeshita
July 5, 2019

Shanti-phula has indicated some parts of the following text in black bold-faced type or in red letters.

Partial English translation of an excerpt from a Japanese article: Trend of Japan, World and Universe– July 5, 2019 –


July 1, 2019
Natural News
Mike Adams:
Since the earth is in terrible trouble, I’ve decided to go public with the following information:
The planet earth is being changed to a comfortable place to live for aliens. Aliens try to have human beings commit suicide and change the earth into a planet where no human beings exist.
To achieve the plan, human beings are poisoned a lot and brainwashed and led to commit suicide. This is the planned genocide of humanity and occupation of the earth by aliens.
Dave Hodges:
In recent interview with Mr. Mike Adams, I mentioned that the events occurring on the earth are likely to be through the intervention of aliens. Aliens are going ahead with their agenda by manipulating representatives of the planet. Aliens are changing the earth into a comfortable place to live in.Aliens are deeply involved in the earth. Google and others (Tech Giants) work against the interests of humanity, but rather, serve to aliens.So do world leaders.
Before death, his father said to Dave Hodges that at the base in Denver where he was assigned with a new post before mandatory retirement, he knew that aliens had taught German scientists very advanced technology (a 400-year technology) to German scientists. I don’t know where the aliens that are involved in the earth come from. 
<The rest is omitted>

Some is an excerpt from the above original source, but the most part of this article is cross-translation of the Japanese article.






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