We are facing a planetary emergency of the sort not seen since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. – Pope Francis calls on the world for the salvation of life on the earth with the intention of being a savior

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We are facing a planetary emergency of the sort not seen since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. – Pope Francis calls on the world for the salvation of life on the earth with the intention of being a savior

It appears that Pope Francis has been informedby a much higher being that we are facing a planetary emergency.” It seems unlikely that in this situation he will claim, in the UN, to take over the control of the planet.
Probably Pope Francis will call on the world for the salvation of life on the earth with the intention of being a savior. In my view, however, this seems to be the beginning of the world of Darkness which, as the Bible says, will last three and half years. Their original agenda has been significantly changed. However, those in power have changed the agenda to a sugarcoated one with the aim of keeping their power. After all, it will not help reach a fundamental solution.
I think that even if Pope Francis gives a speech in the UN General Assembly, the world will be plunged into further turmoil until 2020.

September 23, 2015
Masatoshi Takeshita

Excerpt from a Japanese article: How Sad! – September 23, 2015 –

Fulford Report (September 22)


The interesting event to watch in the near future is the lunar eclipse on September 28th. That is because the cabalists who have been running this planet claim to time their manipulation of geopolitical events to the movements of the heavens.

Presidents Xi Jinping of China, Vladimir Putin of Russia, Barack Obama of the United States, Francois Hollande of France, Hassan Rouhani of Iran etc. are all due to be speaking at the UN on that date. The question is will they be announcing the birth of a world government or a new age, or will they simply spout platitudes before going back to business as usual?

The fact is the current world system and its leaders have presided over the destruction of 40% of all life on land and 49% of all sea life. Furthermore, the pace of destruction is continuing to accelerate. Not only that, the system that is destroying life on this planet is also sucking away wealth from all humans except for about 0.01% of the very top elite.

The fact is we are facing a planetary emergency of the sort not seen since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago.

The biggest and most chaotic activity continues to be seen in Europe and the Middle East. The flood of millions of refugees into Europe and the threat of tens of millions more arriving has prompted serious infighting in Western power structures.

… This prompted Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, to fly to Germany and Turkey to deal with the situation, according to Pentagon sources. He told the Germans to impose border controls and stop the flood of refugees. He also told the Germans, Turks and Nato brass to align with Russia in Syria against ISIS and their Israeli and Gulf Cooperation Council backers, the sources said.

To make sure their message was being heard, the 33-year old Sheik Rashid of Dubai, one of the top ISIS supporters, was killed by heart attack, according to US intelligence sources.

Furthermore, the US military told Pope Francis, Germany’s Angela Merkel and other European power brokers to stop their big social engineering project aimed at flooding Europe with Muslims in order to force a union between Islam and Christianity.

US special forces have also begun sealing off the Turkish border with Syria in order to put an end to this social engineering project, the Pentagon sources said.

War criminal dictator of Israel and senior Satanist Benyamin Netanyahu has so alienated the US military that Israel has now lost all US protection. Netanyahu was also denied a meeting the Russia’s Vladimir Putin at the UN. For that reason Netanyahu has been forced to go to Russia and offer it control of Israel’s gas fields as compensation for war crimes and as protection money, according to CIA sources.

Furthermore, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter was forced by the brass to call on Russian defense minister Sergey Shoigu to urge joint action against Israel, the sources said. Furthermore, the Pentagon brass are making Carter ask for a joint Russian/US stance vis a vis China ahead of the Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to the US starting September 22nd.

The Xi Jinping visit is aimed at building a strategic relationship between China and the US, according to Chinese government sources.

The key thing that will be negotiated during Xi’s US visit will be the US China bilateral investment treaty.     what this treaty is really about is what parts of the US real economy the Chinese will be allowed to buy and what will be off limits.

Of course the US military industrial complex is not without cards to play in their negotiations with China. They have just forced the Shinzo Abe puppet government in Japan to pass laws that effectively make the Japanese military part of the Pentagon. They have also negotiated a strategic military relationship with Vietnam and, as mentioned above, are hard at work getting the Russians on board too.

What the Chinese, the US military industrial complex, the Russians and others need to realize is that, as mentioned above, we are facing a planetary crisis that requires planetary solutions.

Part of the solution, of course, involves removing the Khazarian gangsters who ruined not just the US economy but also much of the planet.

The real thing the US military industrial complex needs to do though, if the US is to remain on par with China over the long term, is to do what the Chinese have done and nationalize the central bank.







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