Fulford Update / Fulford talks about the Dalai Lama

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Fulford Update / Fulford talks about the Dalai Lama
Fulford Update makes us clearly understand that currencies backed by gold are internationally accepted, while the Obama regime continues to resist. The article says, “Starting with Obama needs to be removed.” However, I suppose that Obama is just symbolic existence and the Obama regime is actually managed by Vice President Biden.
In the second article, based on his personal experience, Mr. Fulford presents a clear-cut opinion that the Dalai Lama is nothing other than a high level demon.  The Dalai Lama is a person initiated in secret teachings in the Hierarchy and recently he has been incorporated as Satanist by the Illuminati. I think that he has a right opinion.

July 2, 2016, 2016
Masatoshi Takeshita

Shanti-phula has indicated some parts of the following text in black bold face or in red letters.

Excerpt from a Japanese article: How Sad! – July 1, 2016 –

Fulford Update


“It is now clear that the internationally traded US dollar is backed by gold. The evidence for this is the fact that recently the dollar has changed in value against a basket currencies in a way that closely trac1ks how gold performed against these currencies.
The internationally traded gold-backed dollar and Chinese yuan are both now under the control of the Dragon (Asian royal) families, the British Royal family, the Chinese communist government, the Swiss banking families and their allies.
However, we are hearing from them that resistance continues from elements of the US corporate government who are using derivatives to continue to create un-backed dollars to buy up the stock market. They also managed to put an illusory $100 billion into their account on December 31st to postpone their bankruptcy.
The other thing that is clear is that we still have the Barack Obama regime in the US, as seen daily on the corporate propaganda media, refusing to prosecute known war criminals like George Bush Jr and Dick Cheney.
The next thing to do is to ask their immediate superior officer why these people are not being arrested. Whoever in the chain of command, starting with Obama, who is protecting these criminals, needs to be removed. This can be done using the existing legal system. If everybody does not personally take action along these lines, the cabal rule will not end and humanity will not be freed.
We are hearing that Barbara Bush is now frantically fighting to keep the Nazionist power structure intact. She is behind recent reports that Nazionist leader George Bush Sr. left the hospital (if he did there were no witnesses). Message to Barbara Bush: if you do not surrender immediately, your family is certain to be jailed and even executed.

Excerpt from a Japanese article: How Sad! – Jun3 30, 2016 –
Mr. Fulford talks about Dalai Lama



Here is what I know first hand. The system the Dalai Lama presided over in Tibet was Shangri La for the ruling classes but it was built on the backs of slaves who had no more rights than cattle. He was also very close to some Nazis who wanted to create a similar type of ruling class and slave class culture in the West.

Several Buddhist leaders in Japan have told me they always dread his coming because he always asks for large sums of money.

My own personal experience with him was that when my former girlfriend was five months pregnant with our child, she was working for a Nepalese products import bazaar in Tokyo. She was suddenly asked to come to Nepal to buy goods for the shop. When she got there she was drugged and woke up in a hospital as they were examining her womb with an ultra-sound device. She was no longer pregnant.

I later confirmed from the manager of the shop she worked for that it was a front for the Dalai Lama. The people who took our child from us in Nepal also worked for the Dalai Lama, according to him and other sources. I am not sure why they did this other than to try to deprive me of an heir.
When he came to the foreign correspondents club and I was about to ask him a question he became frightened and ended the press conference without answering my question which was to be about his relations with the Nazis. All I needed to do was look into his eyes to confirm that
he is, deep inside, an extremely evil being pretending to be a saint. I have also fully confirmed the Dalai Lama has a network of agents and assassins who work for him.

Please understand I have deep respect for Buddhism and have spent much time at Buddhist temples meditating. I also get on well with most Buddhist organizations in Japan.
The Dalai Lama, in my view though, is nothing other than a high level demon.







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