Demonstrations in France are not simply protest against tax increase but revolt against financial elites represented by the Rothschild family – The Yellow Vest movement in France to expand to the world within a short period of time –

image: Author:Thomas_Bresson [CC BY]
Demonstrations in France are not simply protest against tax increase but revolt against financial elites represented by the Rothschild family -The Yellow Vest movement in France to expand to the world within a short period of time –
According to the article below, demonstrations in France are not simply protest against tax increases but revolt against financial elites. The article writes: “the Yellow Vest movement in France will expand to the world within a short period of time.” Probably we will see predicted results.

The true nature of this demonstration is shown by the phrase “the French people express to the whole world their will that they no longer become slaves of the financial elites.”

Judging from the attack against the Rothschild family in France, remarks President Trump has made and the yellow vests with the letter Q on, we see on Yanocchi’s tweet, we presume that behind the demonstration is the Trump administration.

Given the timing of arrest of Mr. Carlos Gohosn, I consider this speculation to be true.

Furthermore, Mr. Fulford says that the GnosticIlluminati support the Trump administration. They aim to destroy the Rothschild family. That explains everything. Therefore, we may safely say that the demonstration in France will expand across Europe.

In an article dated May 12, 2014, I introduced the song “Rise like a Phoenix” sung by Conchita Wurst, an Austrian singer, who won in the “Euro Vision 2014.” In an article dated May 18, 2014, I posted the Japanese lyrics of the song: the original song was translated into Japanese.

I made a comment on this song: “this song connotes an immeasurable scale of intention of deities” and “this song reveals what is going to happen in the world from now on.”

The translator said in this article: This song is “a song of declaration of war against those who have oppressed humanity.” What I predicted four years ago is actually happening now.

Reading the translated lyrics, please listen to Conchita Wurst sing the song. You can understand very well now what is actually happening. 

December 12, 2018
Masatoshi Takeshita

Shanti-phula has indicates some parts of the following text in black boldface type or in red letters.

Excerpt from a Japanese article: Trend of Japan, World and Universe– December 12, 2018 –

Interviewer Luke: I’ve come to Paris to cover the yellow vest movement.
Bob:It started about 2 months ago. <snip> It’s about 40 years of destruction of public domain. The banking sector’s taken over the country. Everyone has been talking about it for many years. <snip> While the demonstration is going on, various problems have come out. People get together to appeal the same problem. It’s not about the  right-wing against the left-wing.
It’s getting into violent games. The mainstream media and alternative media don’t report anything. A big movement is going to happen all over the world. Demonstrators in Paris want the movement to spread all over the world.  <snip> In near future, the French government and people are going to significantly change.
I think that the yellow vest movement in France will spread all over the world in a short period of time.
To be clear, our true enemy is not ordinary citizens but those who control us.
Luke:Ordinary people I met in Paris feel that the yellow vest movement is getting into something enormously bigger. This demonstration will oust Macron and cause a big political change. The demonstration will get more violent until it calms down.
I came to Paris and had an interview with a participant of the yellow vest movement. He told the fact the media have never reported. According to him, it is likely that something so big will happen in Paris by New Year’s Eve this year.

As big news, ordinary people openly exposed the secret of the ruler(Macron is just a puppet of the ruler, financial elite Rothschild. He just moves under the order from the ruler)..   <snip>  has continued to diffuse.  <snip> Now, a new France is awakening to fight against financial elites.The French people showtoward the whole world their intention that they no longer become slaves of financial elites.
Diffuse this information all over the world.

Translated based on the Japanese article posted by the above Japanese blogger

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— やのっち(。・ɜ・)d (@_yanocchi0519) December 11, 2018

The riot in Paris aims not only to expel Macron, who tries to enforce fuel tax increases, but rather French people, who know who pulls the puppet strings behind the scenes to manipulate Macron, try to settle an old scar with the puppet masters and end their dictatorship.
— やのっち(。・ɜ・)d (@_yanocchi0519) December 11, 2018
The French people know every detail of Macron far more than the Japanese people do.
Why do they raise the French national flag in demonstration against simple fuel tax rises? The mainstream media never report the true purpose of the demonstration. The rebellions in Paris are a revolution to expel not only Macron but the French Rothschild family.
一度紹介したこのツイートは削除されてしまったようだ。NWOの連中にとって、よほど不愉快な内容だったんだろう。#WWG1WGA #Qanon
— やのっち(。・ɜ・)d (@_yanocchi0519) December 11, 2018
The tweet I introduced seems to have been deleted. 
The contents must have sounded very unpleasant to NWO people.






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