[Must-See Video] “True Voice” of Fukushima Farmers – “38th National Action Day of Environmental Pollution Victims”

I quite agree with the writer of this article.  In my opinion, to save many people including farmers in Fukushima, something like “Japanese version of Peshawar-kai*” is needed and it is easier to solve the problem not through the intervention of the government.

Masatoshi Takeshita
September 17, 2013

English translation of an excerpt from a Japanese article: Ankoku Yakou – September 17, 2013 –

“38th National Action Day of Environmental Pollution Victims” – “True Voice” of Fukushima Farmers –

This time I have introduced a video which aims to broadcast to overseas countries “The 38th National Action Day of Environmental Pollution Victims” (Negotiation with TEPCO/Japanese Government) held on June 6 this year, with English subtitles.

If you see this video, you will understand how strongly guilty farmers in Fukushima feel about growing produces they and their families don’t want to eat, in the farm land which is left radiation-contaminated without decontamination work and being forced to ship them to the market, and how strongly “indignant” they feel about the dishonest response of the government (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Ministry of Education).

After listening to the appeal of farmers appearing on this video, you will understand that the government’s big campaign called “Let’s support by eating,” through which farm produces grown in Fukushima are shipped across the country, does not aim to save farmers but to have the Japanese people “shoulder” the compensation that the government are supposed to completely pay to them.

In a word, farmers who suffered from serious contamination due to the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident are forced against their will to grow contaminated produces in contaminated farm land because they have not been compensated properly, while the government, which as well as TEPCO is supposed to make compensation payment to farmers, wrongfully utilizes the honest feelings of the people who “want to support the afflicted areas” and have the people shoulder it.

No, additionally, the government not only has the people shoulder the payment, but also nonchalantly takes “inhuman act” by having good people unnecessarily endanger internal exposure.

The video I have introduced this time is a digest version.  If you have time to spare, I recommend you to see “a full version.”  You will accurately understand what “cold-blooded” and “monstrously evil” people the bureaucrats in Kasumigaseki who repeat irresponsible remarks “with no expression in the face like Noh mask” in a bureaucratic manner.

Let me say a word to those who are naïve to agree with “Let’s support by eating campaign” with a full understanding of your criticism.  Regrettably, you are “supporting” not farmers in Fukushima but the government/TEPCO that should pay a lot of compensation to the farmers.

What I want you to recognize before everything else is the fact that the purchase of food stuff grown in Fukushima out of good will promote a “negative chain” to grow and ship the contaminated food, which is against the will of farmers in Fukushima Prefecture, and as a result encourage the “internal exposure of all people.”

Of course, the “real culprit” is bureaucrats in Kasumigaseki and stupid politicians who purposely calculate to make the people to do so.

However, as an expression like “the cheated are equal to cheaters,” my personal opinion is that the people deceived by the government need to contemplate more.

This is because state power always deceives the people at any time and at any place and the mechanism will be repeated forever unless the people awake.

Now I’m going to stop my statement.  Anyway, please see the video

*Peshawar-kai – Non-Governmental Organization founded in 1983 to support Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, who has been engaged in medical activities in Pakistan
See: www1a.biglobe.ne.jp/peshawar/eg/index2.html






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