Build a society where women who have got childrearing done can make contribution in higher positions – Let’s leave a country or company to women (Bougainvillea’s Tea Time) –

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Build a society where women who have got childrearing done can make contribution in higher positions – Let’s leave a country or company to women (Bougainvillea’s Tea Time) –
I agree with what is written in the article below. My opinion is that an organization such as a country or a company should have an equal number of men and women. To begin with, men and women are the same in number in the Diet. However, family is the most important place in life to make people happy and I think that while children are small, we should realize the environment where the couple can engage in childrearing, especially mothers can be always around children.
I think that we should create a society where women who have finished raising children can willingly get back to the society and get a higher position to make contributions in society.
My idea is that men and women who have finished proper childrearing can gain far deeper insight before childrearing and they are qualified to become leaders in society. I think that it is a good society where such people become executives or Diet members.
I aim at realizing the same society as Mr. Naoya Fujiwara tweets about It is an affluent society where foremen in local small businesses can work energetically. As the last tweet says, “small, small happiness” is of importance, which transcends all religious teachings.
As a matter of fact, religions have destroyed this “small, small happiness” to achieve global domination. Those who are tainted by false creeds do not aim at achieving harmony with the universe in the true sense of the word, bring up the word “Great Plan” and consider “it is the supreme value to follow the Divine Plan”, which led to destruction of happiness in family life. They aim to enslave people mentally and physically. It is safe to say that almost all religions on the earth are evil religions.

November 12, 2016
Masatoshi Takeshita

Shanti-phula has indicated some parts of the following text in black boldface type in red letters.

English translation of an excerpt from a Japanese article: Bougainvillea’s Tea Time – November 10, 2016 –

Entrust a job to women

Fraud, corruption, murder, and others
There are a lot of terrible stories about Hilary.
This woman is absolutely out of the question.

It is safe to say that the following idea is true.
Management of a country or company by women yields a good result.
It makes the people or employees happy.

According to a book titled “Meltdown Iceland: How the Global Financial Crisis Bankrupted an Entire Country” by Roger Boynes 2009,

*Loan a small amount of money to poor women on an unsecured basis.
Mr. Muhnmad Yunus, founder of Glamin bank famous for its microcredit, (Novel Peace Prize winner) says:

“If we loan money to men, they get dead drunk and don’ pay it back.
If we loan money to women, they carefully and properly use money, and pay it back.

*Statistical fact shows that
Corporations with higher percentage of women workers including management had less declines in stock prices in an economic crisis.


*A research by Cambridge University shows that
men biologically tend to take risky events under the influence of hormone
and tend to become dependent on taking risks.

The above is an excerpt from the above book.

It is men
who make atomic bombs,
make nuclear power plants,
go to war,
destroy the environment,
and commit mass murder.

Their brain likes danger very much.
Their brain lives for the moment.
We should not leave any country or company to them.

Even a woman like Hilary can’t be entrusted to.

Distributed by Twitter – November 12, 2016 –


— 藤原直哉 (@naoyafujiwara) 2016年11月11日

Stable job can create stable family and stable community
Naoya Fujiwara@naoyafujiwaraWhat everybody wants is to increase secure jobs again in a community.
The same is true in both Japan and the U.S.November 12, 2016 08:43


— 藤原直哉 (@naoyafujiwara) 2016年11月11日

Food, clothing and shelter, and industrial competitiveness nurtured by local culture
Naoya Fujiwara@naoyafujiwara

— 藤原直哉 (@naoyafujiwara) 2016年11月11日

Modern society where figure of people are disappearing
Naoya Fujiwara@naoyafujiwara
No matter how much high-tech society goes, disappearance of people has no meaning at all.November 12, 2016 08:40


— 藤原直哉 (@naoyafujiwara) 2016年11月11日
Origin of politics
In villages in Japan, people live in pursuit of small, small joyHow beautiful!It’s like light of windows in houses in the evening
By Hatoju Muku  on December 26, 1967
Naoya Fujiwara@naoyafujiwara
The origin of politics lies in ensuring a stable supply of basis for food, clothing and shelter so that people can follow small, small happiness.
The same is true in both Japan and the U.S.November 12, 2016 08:38




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