The 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati has beeing executed now. – Devastation of the Illuminati by operation by the Trump administration is a matter of time –

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The 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati has beeing executed now. – Devastation of the Illuminati by operation by the Trump administration is a matter of time –
I was surprised at the special information by Mr. Eiken Itagaki shown in the first article. In an article dated December 12, 2017, I commented on the defeat of the Illuminati 13 bloodlines by saying: “I think that it is highly likely that the Rothschild family will lose power. We will see clear decline of their influence around the middle of next year.” In an article dated January 12 this year I commented on the defeat of the Illuminati in relation to the last year’s article by saying: “in the previous comment I said that around the middle of January the situation of the Rothschild family will be clarified and the general trend will be determined.” 

As of December 12 last year, I predicted that the Rothschild family would be destroyed around this time from the vibrational viewpoint. Actually my prediction came true. Although I have thought that I could confirm this in some way, I have never dreamed that information such as information by Mr. Eiken Itagaki which hit the nail on the head would be available.

The second article is about the Trump administration’s operation to devastate the Deep State. According to the article, FBI has started to make a new investigation on the corrupt Clinton Foundation. If this foundation is exposed, bad guys will be arrested one after another. I think that devastation of the Illuminati is a matter of time.

January 14, 2018
Masatoshi Takeshita

Shanti-phula has indicated some parts of the following text in black boldface type or in red letters.

English translation of a Japanese article: Eiken Itagaki “Inside Story about Politics and Economics Never Reported by Mass Media – January 14, 2018 –

Today’s “Eiken Itagai Intelligence Agency”
“The 13 bloodlines or13 families of the Illuminati” which have been said to be “the most powerful and villainous secret society” are reportedly being executed.

[Special information 1]
Reportedly, the “13 bloodlines or 13 families of the Illuminati” (the Astor Bloodline, the Bundy Bloodline, the Collins Bloodline, the DuPont Bloodline, the Freeman Bloodline, the Kennedy Bloodline, the Li Bloodline, the Onassis Bloodline, the Rockefeller Bloodline except the John David Rcokefeller IV bloodline, the Rothschild Bloodline except the European head family Jacob Rothschild bloodline, the Russell Bloodline, the Van Duyn Bloodline and David Bloodline) which have been said to bethe most powerful and villainous secret society” as well as the “shadow global government” officials are being executed. This is the information from the source of the global ruling elite (Goldman Family’s group) by the “team of four” led by Dr. Kissinger who have made a new departure to achieve global lasting peace and prosperity and made efforts to build “global world order in the true sense of the word”.

Excerpt from a Japanese article: Design of Creation Society

Top Analyst: Trump’s Clinton Foundation Investigation Could Expose Global Elite
Charles Ortel exposes the magnitude of corruption


Daniel Newton,
11th January 2018

Donald Trump’s new probe into the seemingly corrupt Clinton foundation could expose the global elite, foreign officials and ‘prestigious’ foundations who benefited from the charity’s alleged fraudulent activities a top Wall Street analyst has said.


The new FBI probe should send an alarming signal to foreign governments and individuals who have donated to the charity over the last 20 years. Charles Ortel told Sputnik.


President Donald Trump recently vowed to jail former Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin as he blasted the DOJ for being part deep state conspiracy to cover for her.

Over the past two decades, the Clintons have created nothing short of a globalist network with their loyalists in senior positions in foreign governments.


Will Trump Get Proponents of ‘Unregulated Globalism’ on the Run?


<snip>  Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s anti-corruption initiative that resulted in the detention of 11 princes, including Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, one of the world’s richest people and a Clinton loyalist;


Wall street analyst Charles Ortel

Meanwhile, on December 21, 2017, Donald Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) which stipulates that US-housed assets belonging to foreign entities and individuals involved in “serious human rights abuse” or corruption could be frozen. Furthermore, the EO targets US citizens who either helped or participated in the aforementioned abuses. The order contains a list of 13 foreign individuals from Pakistan, Ukraine, Gambia, Sudan, Nicaragua, China, Russia and etc.

As financial blog Zero Hedge claims, the list includes several persons who allegedly have ties to the Clintons or the Clinton Foundation.

Does this mean the Trump administration is seeking to get rid of the Clintons’ loyalists across the globe?  <snip>

“Should President Trump continue to succeed, I believe the crony establishment loyalists who have prospered from 1989 through 2016 may continue their resistance, but with each passing day, more and more people around the world are beginning to admire steps that Donald Trump and his team are taking to reverse damaging policies and actions of the past,” Ortel emphasized.

(The rest is omitted)






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