Exposition of the Dracos (aliens of the “Galactic Federation of Light) comprised of three factions, and operational units

Exposition of the Dracos (aliens of the “Galactic Federation of Light) comprised of three factions, and operational units

I have summarized the main points of what is written in the article I introduced on July 20. The content is seemingly too incredible to grasp its meaning. However, the content almost perfectly fits with what I have explained on this blog. This time, I’d like to explain about the essence of this article. 
To understand this article, please refer to the article posted on October 12, 2014.

Masatoshi Takeshita
October 25, 2014

Excerpt from a Japanese article: Trend of Japan, World and Universe – July 20, 2014 –

Source: www.stewwebb.com/2014/07/25/alien-agenda-v-world-zionists-play-russian-roulette-alien-ets/

July 19: Alien Agenda V: World Zionists Play Russian Roulette With Alien ETs
By Preston James (veteran familiar with Star War, ex-intelligence agent)

This information is bases on the testimony of whistleblowers.

*The Dracos are represented by the City of London World Zionist Organization and work jointly with them. The operational units of the Darcos are the Israel leadership and big shots of American ruling elite (the NeoCon, PNACers, AIPAC, B’nai B’rith, Isreali-American Israeli-First “Dual Citizens” and FRB personnel who are the source of funding for private financial institutions of the World Zionist Organization).

*The World Zionist Organization is comprised of City of London bankers. They have two operational units: one is the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC or 4th Nation) and the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS) expelled from Israel.

*The operational units of the World Zionist Organization got power from the Dracos (aliens) and the financial tycoon of City of London Central Bankers. The City of London World Zionist Organization allies with very violent and evil aliens – Dragon, reptilians and the serpent tribe (the general term for the three types of aliens are the Dracos) – and work together.

*The World Zionist Organization is comprised of City of London Central Bankers controlled by the Rothschild family. They have tactically taken over the City of London by using supernatural occult power. They worship Lucifer whose power enable them to be united. They have completely mastered the black magic of Ancient Babylonian origin and each of them is given power by an alien from different dimension (spirit guide, that is, Satan). Most members of the World Zionist Organization share the same bloodline.

*The World Zionist Organization are controlled by such evil aliens (Dracos) and given world wealth, power and positions by the aliens under the condition that they induce wars across the world and suffer humans by a pandemic outbreak of contagious diseases, resulting to death.

*The leadership of the World Zionist Organization in the U.S. is the Denver Circle of Twelve. They sacrifice humans on Satan’s holidays (twice a year).

*The leadership of the World Zionist Organization in Europe is the Circle of Twelve. Those at the bottom of the World Zionist Organization are a secret occult group called the Old Black Nobility of Europe.

[Exposition by Mr. Takeshita]

The Dracos, which are explained as “evil aliens” in this article, are aliens belonging to the “Galactic Federation of Light.” They have always worked together with the World Zionist Organization at the top of the Illuminati. The operational units of this organization are Bush Crime Cabal (BBC) and International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS). These two groups have been described as the Bush/Nazi camp and Rockefeller/Obama camp. Such thing considered, I’ve shown a diagram of dominance relationship among them as follows:

In the August 4, 2013 article, I showed that 12 Masters belonging to the Great White Brotherhood are divided into three factions: Hermes faction, Nimrod faction and Jesus faction. As the result of resipiscence of Hermes after the heavenly reformation, these three factions changed into the Ham faction, Simon Magos faction and Jesus faction.

The above figure shows that the Bush Crime Cabal (Bush/Nazi camp) has been spiritually guided by aliens of the “Galactic Federation of Light” belonging to the Simon Magos faction and the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (Rockefeller/Obama camp) by aliens of the “Galactic Federation of Light” belonging to the Ham faction and Jesus faction. However, the Rockefeller/Obama camp has been spiritually guided partially by the “(fake) Galactic Federation,” too.

As shown in the figure, aliens of the “Galactic Federation of Light”, namely, the Dracos are divided into three factions: Ham faction, Simon Magos faction and Jesus factions, which are described as the Dracos, reptilians and snake tribe in the article.

The Old Black Nobility of Europe in the above figure means the Reptilian Council, which I have already explained about in the article posted on August 13, 2013. The Denver Circle of Twelve has already been introduced as “12 central figures of a conspiracy” in the article dated August 27, 2014. I’d like to explain about the Circle of Twelve, central figures of the Rockefeller/Obama camp next time.

Like this, what I have explained in Shanti Phula’s blog so far fundamentally fits with the content of this article, which is written by an ex-intelligence agent based on the testimony of whistleblowers. You will find the information in this article to be highly accurate.




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