Illustration of Tsuyokutowanikagayakumiya-himemiko-sama (Star Alcyone in the Pleiades, 9 years of age) and her message

(Star Alcyoneof the Pleiades, 9 years of age)

Illustrated byMrs. Seiko Nakanishi

Information from Mr.Takeshita Masatoshi:

“Mrs. Seiko Nakanishi has drawn an illustration of himemiko-sama of Star Alcyone in the Pleiades. I have asked Mrs. Nakanishi to give her name and give a message to us earthling.”
Masatoshi Takeshita
January 12, 2014

<Message to Earthling>

“Hello, people of Earth!
How have you been doing?

I have seen a big change on Earth this year.
I see Earth glittering.
I have never seen such beauty.
I just gaze in wonder at it.
I suppose Earth will go through a rapid change.
I’m looking forward to it.
I am waiting for the day when Earth will become a peaceful and safe paradise.

Everybody! Please be patient to coming changes.
I’ll heartily support you.


<Episode when she was a student in the celestial school>

“It’s a long time ago, and I don’t remember clearly.
But I do remember enjoying learning.
At school I learned ballet, dancing, mathematics, physics, astronomy, etc.

If I am correct, when I was in the second year of high school or so, I carelessly forgot to bring ballet slippers for a ballet lesson by Daishoushin-makotonaru-kami-sama.
The teacher, however, didn’t scold me. Instead, he took me a room, where many ballet slippers were kept.

He tried to look for ballet shoes in my size, gently saying “It is not uncommon to forget. It just happened. But be careful not to forget next time.”
I was short. He patted me on the head, saying “Shortie, please don’t forget next ime.”
Since I was deeply moved, I remember it very well.

In another time, I had difficulty solving a difficult question of mathematics. He consoled me, saying “This question is so difficult that everybody can answer it. Don’t worry about it.”
His words relaxed me very much.

I liked Daishoushin-makotonaru-kami-sama’s class best because his class was always full of humor and enjoyable.

However, I had a sad thing.
One day, I accidentally fell off a lift during a ballet lesson and hurt my legs.
So I was forced to miss a class for a while.
That was the saddest experience.
However, teachers came to a hospital to visit me one after another.
I remember how they were warm-hearted and affectionate.

The 5th Creator Deity of Love System — It’s an indescribably beautiful place.
I planted many kinds of plants and take care of them there.
It appears that I was strongly influenced by my both parents, who were great animal and plant lovers.

The place was a gentle and peaceful world, always filled with freedom, joy and love.

I hope Earth will become such a place like that soon.

Please send my best regards to Mr. Takeshita.”







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