Message from Sumiwataru-takakihoshino-himemiko 38 Riots across the U.S. and across the world and expansion in financial crisis – Corrupt system to be eventually finalized

Message from Sumiwataru-takakihoshino-himemiko 38 Riots across the U.S. and across the world and expansion in financial crisis – Corrupt system to be eventually finalized

It is truly something to celebrate. I feel that the time has finally come. I get sick and tired of this corrupt system and world continuing to exist. I think it is good timing.
As the message says, if “financial crisis spread across the U.S.” and “the crisis extended to the whole world”, the TPP would be exactly blown up. Monsanto Company would go bankrupt. It is certainly possible that our pensions will also be blown off.
Unless such extremely shocking events took place, the current world would continue to exist, nuclear power plants would resume operations, the TPP agreement would be finalized some time and the Self Defense Forces would invade other countries.
If the money saved in banks suddenly disappeared, people would realize the truth and then try to know what is really happening. This is an inevitable path to fundamental changes of the world.
I believe that those who have made preparations in advance can gladly accept such great changes.

Masatoshi Takeshita
August 2, 2015

Message from Sumiwataru-takakihoshino-himemiko 38

<Communicator: Seiko Nakanishi>
<Communication date: August 1, 2015>

“I have great news for you.

It is expected that riots in the United States will trigger the financial crisis across the country.
When riots are united with financial crisis in the U.S., the crisis would spill over to the world.

This event would put an end to the control by corrupt empire under the old system and pave the way for introduction of the wholesome and constructive financial system by a new government.

Vicious politicians, big business entrepreneurs, financiers and the ruling elite, who are characterized by the old Mafia: arrogance, greed and overweening ambition, will be eradicated and find no place on the earth where they can run or hide.

Far from being solved, financial crisis in Greece will throw the entire EU and the whole world into uncontrollable confusion.

In Japan, the Abe administration, which has been driven into the corner, desperately tries to find way out.

Many Japanese have realized the deceptiveness and high-handedness of the Abe administration. So a lot of injustice and scandals hidden hitherto will come to the surface and the government will be driven into a helpless situation where they have difficulty in giving an excuse for everything.

There are courageous people in various fields who have realized the truth, including ordinary people such as students and housewives, scholars, journalists and politicians. When they work out with each other and go all out to topple the Abe administration, it will be possible to change the future of Japan.

However, the current administration obsessed with power will do every effort to hit back at criticism or opposition forces this way and that by taking all-or-nothing aggressive strategy.

Nevertheless, please move forward undauntedly with courage.

Power of thought and action of each person will create a big swirl and it must provide the strength to bring about the bright future of Japan and the world.

I hope all of you will fight bravely.

To be continued”

The above is the message from the goddess.

Seiko Nakanishi




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