Dog with grumpy face cures depression affected owner / Dog risks precious life to save a baby from fire – Evolution from animal to human, Evolution from human to god

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Dog with grumpy face cures depression affected owner / Dog risks precious life to save a baby from fire – Evolution from animal to human, Evolution from human to god
The two stories below are about people who were saved by dogs. The first story is happy news and the second story is sad news. In the case of the second story, the dog did not die for nothing. Checking out where the dog’s soul (Monad) exists by comparing the date before the fire and now, you will see that the dog’s soul has ascended from Animal System to Sirius System. This dog’s heroic act has achieved a rapid evolution: he will be reborn as a human after spending some time as a fairy. I suppose that the dog will be probably reborn as the 7th sub-race of the 5th root race in approximately 20,000 years.
This can happen to humans. We often hear such a story that a human became a star. It symbolically describes that lofty act of a main character in the story has made him evolve from human to god after death. A story says that the hero “has been lift up to heaven as a star (god). This is means of expression which makes children understand the fact that such evolution really exists.

September 7, 2016
Masatoshi Takeshita

Shanti-phula indicates some parts of the following text in black boldface type or in red letters.

English translation of an excerpt from the Japanese version of Sputnik – September 7, 2016 –

Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2016 6月 6 4:20午前 PDT

Miss Jasmin Milton, 20-year-old British college student, has earned 20,000 pounds thanks to her pet dog “Anuko”, who is famous for his angry face. “Anuko” is a two-year-old Siberian husky. His extremely grumpy face made him internationally famous.


In 2013 before she had Anuko, she had been forced to be hospitalized due to severe depression. In the hospital, a patient informed her that sufferers benefitted from getting a dog. She decided to have a dog. After Jasmin had a dog Anuko, she has completely recovered from depression, while Anuko became internationally famous thanks to his photos posted on the Instagram and has attracted a followership of 11,000. Anuko, who is loved by all people, is not only given a lot of presents but offered a job as a model. Jasmine has a plan to become a doctor, using the money earned by Anuko as a college fund.

Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2016 2月 22 7:43午前 PST

Anukoさん(@huskyanuko)が投稿した写真 – 2016 8月 6 11:57午前 PDT

English translation of an excerpt from the Japanese version of Sputnik – August 21, 2016 –

Dog risks precious life to save a baby from a fire in the U.S.

A dog risked its life to save an eight-year-old baby from a house fire which occurred at a town in Baltimore, Maryland. The baby alone survived.

TV station reports that the baby’s mother, who was out in the garden, could not get inside the house when a big fire occurred in the house.

Mrs. Eric Polyski, mother of the baby, said: “I tried to get back inside and go upstairs, but I couldn’t do so because flames prevent me from opening the door.”

When firefighters rushed to the scene and entered the house, they found a dog named Polo shielding a baby from the flames with his body. The baby only had burns on her hands, according to the report. The firefighters failed to save the dog.







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