President Trump’s inauguration speech is a declaration of war against the American Ruling Establishment – President Trump means it and how will the future develop?

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President Trump’s inauguration speech is a declaration of war against the American Ruling Establishment – President Trump means it and how will the future develop?
Those who can see clearly understand that President Trump’s inauguration speech was a “declaration of war against the entirety of the American Ruling Establishment” as Mr. Paul Craig Roberts. I think that those who see only mainstream media might never have such recognition at all. Try to imagine, for example, that Mr. Taro Yamamoto becomes a prime minister and makes a declaration of war against the Japanese ruling establishment in his inauguration speech. In other words, it is the declaration of war against the ruling establishment with vested interests related to nuclear-plants, weapons, medical care, finance or casino. We can easily imagine how difficult and dangerous such declaration is. When we think that groups President Trump tries to make enemies of are ten times bigger than those in Japan, we will see how much significance President Trump’s inauguration speech has carried.
It is clear also from the second article that President Trump means it. According to it, President Trump has stood up against the pharmaceutical industry. According to the third article, Mr. Trump, who has questioned the link between vaccine and autism, has asked an anti-vaxxer to chair a Committee on Vaccine safety.
President Trump who has taken such action would have been sure to be made a target of assassination and the assassination would have successfully ended. However, unlike in the past, an assassination attempt on President Trump would be unlikely to become successful.
A severe battle between President Trump protected by the military and groups with vested interests should be developed. It is safe to say that the battle is de facto war but the battle will surely end in the triumph for President Trump. We will see conspiracies against President Trump shattered into pieces one after another from now.

January 23, 2017
Masatoshi Takeshita

Shanti-phula has indicated some parts of the following text in black boldface type or in red letters.

Excerpt from a Japanese article: Overseas Articles Never Reported by Mass Media – January 23, 2017 –

Trump’s Declaration of Wat


Paul Craig Roberts
On January 20, 2017

President Trump’s brief inaugural speech was a declaration of war against the entirety of the American Ruling Establishment. All of it.


The interest groups designated by Trump as The Enemy are well entrenched and accustomed to being in charge. Their powerful networks are still in place.


The military/security complex, offshoring corporations, Wall Street and the banks are not going to roll over for Trump.


The executives and shareholders of global corporations are enriched by the offshored jobs that Trump says he will bring home. If the jobs come home, their profits, performance bonuses, and capital gains will go away. But the economic security of the American population will return.

The military/security complex has a 1,000 billion annual budget dependent on “the Russian threat” that Trump says he is going to replace with normalized relations.


The financial sector’s profits almost entirely flow from putting Americans into debt bondage and from looting their private and public pensions. The financial sector with their agent, the Federal Reserve, can overwhelm Trump with financial crisis.


This list of those on whom Trump has declared war is long enough.


There is no doubt that Trump has made himself a target of assassination.


If he is sincere we must support him. If he is assassinated, we need to take up our weapons, burn Langley to the ground and kill every one of them.

If he succeeds, he deserves the designation: Trump the Great!

(The rest is omitted)

Distributed by a Japanese article: Trend of Japan, World and Universe – January 23, 2017 –

*English translation of an excerpt of the above article


*Note: Since reprint from the original source was not available, the above Japanese article is translated into English.


Here’s what Trump said at the press conference:
“Our drug industry has been disastrous. They’re leaving left and right. They supply our drugs, but they don’t make them here. To a large extent. And the other thing we have to do is to create a new bidding procedures for the drug industry because they’re getting away with murder.    <snip> 


Unlike any other politicians, he is brave enough to stand up against the pharmaceutical industry.


Thanks to President Trump’s comments, the mainstream media has finally started reporting about the bribery and corruption in the pharmaceutical industry. It has been possible to freely convey the information about dangerous drugs the pharmaceutical industry supply to the American people who don’t know anything. Now is the time for fighting against them.

Distributed by a Japanese article: Trend of Japan, World and Universe – January 12, 2017 –



January 11

Vocal Anti-Vaxxer Claims Trump Asked Him to Chair a Committee on Vaccine Safety


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an outspoken vaccine skeptic, and on Tuesday he said President-elect Donald Trump tapped him to head up “a commission on vaccination safety and scientific integrity.”

Trump has openly questioned the “link” between vaccines and autism before and during the presidential campaign.


“President-elect Trump has some doubts about the current vaccine policies, and he has questions about it,” he said.

(The rest is omitted)







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