[2017 U.S. Presidential Election] Clinton Campaign rigged Democratic primary election… Takeover of the Democratic National Committee to play in Hillary’s favor

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[2017 U.S. Presidential Election] Clinton Campaign rigged Democratic primary election ・・Takeover of the Democratic National Committee to play in Hillary’s favor
This is bombshell news. It is made clear that the 2016 presidential primary was rigged. Former Democratic National Committee interim chair Donna Brazile exposed that the primary was rigged to put Clinton’s rival Barnie Sanders at a disadvantage. In response to it, President Trump says: “The DNC rigged the system to illegally steal the Primary from Bernie Sanders.”

It is well known that the primary was rigged. I also reported about this on this blog. Now this fact has come to light as revelations by person concerned.

Many people have doubt about election rigging. However, if you make some research, you will understand that election rigging is done everywhere. I have often dealt with this topic on this blog that election rigging is done also in Japan. The mainstream media have never mentioned this topic. I suppose that as in the case of Shiori rape, this event can cause fatal damage to those in power. To put it the other way around, only one decisive evidence or revelation will make seemingly strong power immediately collapse.

As Mr. Fulford says that we can look forward to this fall, it is highly likely that something will happen.

November 5, 2017
Masatoshi Takeshita

Shanti-phula has indicated some parts of the following text in black boldface type or in red letters.

English translation of an excerpt from the Japanese version of AFPBB News – November 4, 2017 –

Revealing book: Clinton Campaign takes over the DNC to put the presidential primary in her favor


[November 4, AFP] Former Democratic National Committee (DNC) interim chair has revealed the fact that the 2016 presidential primary elections were rigged to put the primaries in favor of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The bombshell revelation has a seismic effect on the Democratic Party.  <snip>

Donna Brazile who served as the DNC interim chair for several months when the presidential election faced a critical stage <snip>

She revealed that the Clinton campaign took over day-to-day operations and practically put her rival Senator Bernie Sanders at a disadvantage. <snip>

This revelation has seismic effect on the U.S. political world and supporters of Mr. Sanders accuse the corruption and call for reform of the DNC.

<snip> .. Presdient Trump told on 3 to the press that the book by Ms. Brazil reveals that Mrs. Clinton “bought over the DNC and robbed Bernie Sanders of the election”.

Distributed by Twitter

— 藤原直哉 (@naoyafujiwara) 2017年11月3日

Secret Clinton-DNC agreement proves @DonnaBrazile right. “It’s for the general” is nonsense. Opposite is true. It specifies:

Sep 1, 2015: Commencement
Sep 11: Appointment of Clinton picked communications director
Oct 1: First cash payment of $1.2m
Mar 31, 2016: Termination date pic.twitter.com/hvUmdT8iQd
— Julian Assange 🔹 (@JulianAssange) 2017年11月4日






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