Evidence showing that George Soros’s Foundation and Communist Party of China are behind the riots in the U.S. – “Consulate official” direct riots

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Evidence showing that George Soros’s Foundation and Communist Party of China are behind the riots in the U.S. – “Consulate official” direct riots
I have already conveyed that it seems that behind the riots in the U.S. is the Communist Party of China (CPC) , not to mention George Soros’s Foundation.

This time, the evidence supporting it has come out. I have used some machine translators to put the tweet in Chinese into Japanese in vain. I was at a loss to understand the tweet because translated Japanese made no sense. Finally, however, I have found tweets which translated the original Chinese tweet into Japanese.

The police in Santa Monica, Los Angeles arrested three Chinese students speaking Chinese at the scene of the riot. According to the police, “The Chinese students explained that they were invited by the consulate official, who instructed them to join black people and participate in the street demonstration to lead black people in destruction, looting and rioting.

It has turned out that the consulate official directed them to cause riots. The 2 minutes 8 second-long video posted by the Epoch Times is well summarized. Please be sure to watch it. Chinese language is heard here and there at the riot scene .

The last three articles are Qanon Drops. We can see that the current situation has been expected since a long time ago. QDrop 4395 says: “While Antifa operates as something of a leaderless militant wing, < snip> there are identifiable top brass driving and inciting criminal activity.”

As George Soros, the Democratic Party and the CPC are connected to one another, it is not surprising that one of the “Identifiable executives” is a “consulate official.” Additionally, the Islamic extremists brought up by Obama and Hillary should have involved in the riot. Evidence will come out at some future day.

Masatoshi Takeshita
June 4, 2020
Distributed by YouTube – June 4, 2020
Chinese language is heard at arson scene near White House
Ghost of CPC seen behind the riot

Distributed by Twitter

昨天洛杉磯聖塔莫尼卡警方在骚乱现场,当场抓获3个讲国语的中国留学生,据中国留学生交代他们受之于领事馆官员的领导,指示他们上街同黑人一起参加游行活动,借机煽动黑人打砸抢暴乱活动,发扬爱国主义精神,为党为国做出新的贡献。 pic.twitter.com/rz3O69RN26

— 魏歌(魏泉宝) (@AWei3742) June 2, 2020


— Minato Koba (@lotus76222) June 2, 2020

Minato Koba


According to the explanation of Chinese students,
they were invited by the consulate official, who instructed them to join black people and participate in the street demonstration to lead black people in destruction, looting and rioting. They were ordered “to raise patriotism and make a new contribution to the party and the country.

#Antifa テロ活動は #中国共産党 が糸を引いている証拠の映像です。
何故、マンハッタンの暴動で #中国語 が飛び交うんだ?#在米中国大使館 の秘密チャットが流出!#アメリカ#暴動略奪 事件の裏には #中国共産党 の一連の行動と判明! pic.twitter.com/Mfht1qK92m

— Yu ちゃん (@Yu15039988) June 3, 2020



#Antifa This video is the proof that #Communist Party of China pulls the strings of terrorist activities behind the scenes.
Why is #Chinese language heard here and there in the riot in Manhattan?
#Secret chat by Embassy of China in the U.S. has been revealed! It has been found out that a series of actions by #Communist Party of Chin a are behind the “case of riot and looting!
Quoted from Qmap – June 3, 2020
Quoted from Qmap – June 3, 2020
Quoted from Qmap – June 3, 2020






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