[Weekly Asahi] Senkaku Islands Issue: “China’s Claim Likely to Gain Global Recognition,” Mr. Magosaki Points Out

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Information from twitter posted on Shanti Phula’s blog – October 3, 2012 –

English translation of a Japanese article: Weekly Asahi – October 12 Issue –

Senkaku Islands Issue: “China’s Claim Likely to Gain Global Recognition,” Mr. Magosaki Points Out

The Senkaku Islands issue is far from over.  Japan insists “The Senkaku islands are effectively controlled by Japan and there is no territorial sovereignty issue.”  However, “It is a big mistake to think that this claim will gain global recognition,” Mr. Ukeru Magosaki, former Chief of Intelligence and Analysis Bureau, Foreign Ministry, 69, gives candid advice.

“After World War II, the territories including these islands Japan occupied were returned to China in accordance with the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Declaration.”

On September 27, China’s Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi addressed the General Debate of U.N. General Assembly to make an appeal to the international community as follows:

The Cairo Declaration in 1943 stipulates that the territory Japan stole from the Qing Dynasty should be returned to China.  Japan accepted the Potsdam Proclamation calling for implementation of the Cairo Declaration.  Incorporation of the Senkaku islands into Japan’s territory in 1895 is likely to be interpreted as “the islands had been stolen from the Qing Dynasty.”  Based on so-called treaty agreement, I wonder how many Japanese know that it is likely that China’s claim will gain much recognition.  Japan has studied too little about history.

I think that Prime Minister Noda does not know the Cairo Declaration or the Potsdam Declaration.  If he reads them once, he should be too ashamed to say “No territorial sovereignty issue exists” in the U.N. General Assembly.

Most importantly of all, Japan should recognize that the Senkaku islands are debatable ground.  If Japan regards the island as the debatable ground at first, the next problem is how Japan should continue the effective control.  Then naturally comes up the theory of “putting the issue on the shelf.”  When China’s Premier Zhou Enlai met with Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka to talk about the normalization of bilateral diplomatic relations in 1972, the Premier said “We ignore minor differences for the sake of greater common interests.”  When the Japan-China Peace and Friendship Treaty was signed in 1978, Vice           Premier Deng Xiaoping said, “The problem which our generation has no wisdom to solve with will be left up to next generations.”  Thus the Senkaku islands issue has been practically “shelved.”  China has admitted the effective control of the islands by Japan.  “Being shelved” has put Japan in an advantageous position.  It is important to think again this advantage.

*Weekly Asahi October 12 issue






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