Norovirus – Outbreak of New Type? Infection Spreads / 10 people in Nursing Home Likely to be Infected with Norovirus / 100 People Off Sick with Complaints of Vomit in Yokohama City-run Hatsunegaoka Elementary School – Rampancy of Norovirus –

 – Outbreak of New Type? Infection Spreads –
10 people in Nursing Home Likely to be Infected with Norovirus
100 People Off Sick with Complaints of Vomit in Yokohama City-run Hatsunegaoka Elementary School  

– Rampancy of Norovirus –

As you can see, norovirus is going on a rampage. In the article, it seems that a source of infection is “an unconventional virus” because of inexplicable nature. As I have explained about it so far, it is due to a rapid decline in human immunity. Therefore, it is far from easily passing, but rather there is a possibility that it will spread throughout the world along with bird flu and swine flu.
Since most of earthling, who failed to receive the Light showered on January 1, have reduced functioning of endocrine gland as well as immunity, so-called incurable diseases will increase to an inconsiderable degree. It is possible that mental illnesses including depression and dementia will rapidly increase. This outcome was anticipated after the perihelion passage of Comet ISON in the middle of December last year.

Masatoshi Takeshita
February 2, 2014

English translation of a Japanese article: yomi Dr. – January 30, 2014 –

Norovirus – Outbreak of New Type? Infection Spreads

Norovirus is going on a rampage all over the country. Although the outbreak is usually supposed to pass around the yearend, the news of large-scale infection with the virus has been heard this season even after the start of a new year. It is presumably due to the spread of an unconventional virus.

Norovirus is the virus which grows in the human bowel. It is such a highly infectious virus that it was called “stomach flu” and accompanies a symptom of severe diarrhea.

Infection with norovirus is through entering into the mouth from a hand which touches the stools of an infected person. Alcohol is ineffective in destroying the virus and hypochlorous acid contained in bleach is used to sterilize it. It is said that recently anti-bacterial spray containing diluted hypochlorous acid is available.

Norovirus spreads to hundreds of people through school lunch or spreads in facilities for the elderly. It is necessary to take organizational measures mainly in places where food service is provided.

Norovirus was detected at a town Norwalk, America, in 1968. At that time, it was named after the place and called Norwalk virus. Subsequently, the international society shortened the name and named as norovirus. The name has become vague in the meaning. (Yoshihiko Tamura)

English translation of a Japanese article: Tokyo Shimbun – February 1, 2014 –

10 people in Nursing Home in Wakayama Likely to Be Infected with Norovirus? The Infected Get Better

Wakayama Prefectural government released on February 1 that 10 people admitted to a home for the elderly in Nachi Katsuura town complained symptoms of food poisoning such as diarrhea or vomit and norovirus was detected among the three of them. All infected people, mildly symptomatic patients, are getting better.

According to the Food/Sanitation Section of the prefecture, on January 28, a cook in the nursing home in question prepared dinner for residents, ten of whom complained symptoms of diarrhea and others. Norovirus was also detected from the cook.

Shingu Public Health Center has concluded that infection with the virus was due to the dinner provided and ordered the cooking section to suspend business.

English translation of a Japanese article: Tokyo Shimbun – January 31, 2014 –

100 People Off Sick with Complaints of Vomit in Yokohama City-run Hatsunegaoka Elementary School

On 30 Yokohama City Board of Education releases that a total of 100 people including children, teachers and kitchen employees had been off sick with complaints of vomit or diarrhea and norovirus was detected from 11 people including children and kitchen employees in City-run Hatsunegaoka Elementary School. According to the Board, all infected people have mild symptoms and the number of absentees is decreasing.

According to the Board of Education, 96 children ( from first to sixth graders) and 3 teachers, who had symptoms of vomit or diarrhea, were off sick during a period from 27 to 30 and one kitchen employee was absent from work. Norovirus was detected among the stools of 5 children, 5 kitchen employees and 1 teacher.

The school has a single-handed school-feeding system in which the caterers contracted by the municipal government cook school lunches at kitchen in school. Group infection was found only in this school, not in other schools where the same ingredients were used. Hodogaya Welfare Heath Center is investigating the infection route.

The school changed lunch menu and served only heated food and disinfected the school on 27. Serving food other than separately packaged food such as milk and bread has been suspended from 28. Some events like a school assembly have been postponed.
English translation of a Japanese article: Yahoo News(JP) – January 31, 2014 –

Group Infection with Norovirus at Hospital in Chiba Kills One Female Patient

Chiba prefectural government has announced on 31 that 12 people including inpatients were infected with norovirus in group at “Seikoukai Hospital” in Nagara Town Tachidori, Chiba Pref. and a female patient, 78, died of ischemic enteritis due to infection with norovirus. The prefecture is investigating the route of infection.

According to a statement by the prefecture government, 8 people aged between 78 and 98 hospitalized on the same floor and 4 care employees in charge of inpatients on the floor complained symptoms of diarrhea or vomit during a period of January 23-29. Norovirus was detected from all of them with a test. The female patient died on 30 and other 11 people reportedly are getting better.

There were 174 inpatients and 163 staff members in the hospital on 30. The hospital made a comment: “We are deeply sorry for the deceased woman and the bereaved family. We would like to carry out through disinfection under the guidance of the health center.”







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