I have asked Archangel Adrigon some questions about the Pleiadian High Council.

I have asked Archangel Adrigon some questions about the Pleiadian High Council.

I have requested Mrs. Seiko Nakanishi to ask Archangel Adrigon questions about the Pleiadian Council.  I have put in order of “my question followed by her answer” for easier reading, without any changes in the content of my questions and her answers.

Explanation of Archangel Adrigon has made me realize that there was an error in the structure of the Pleiadian Council, which I had mentioned before.  I have given supplementary explanations, noted in bracket, between the following questions and answers.  I’d like to make a correction with answers from Archangel Adrigon and my supplementary explanations.

I was very surprised at the answer to Question 6.  Examining the structure of the Council again, based on this information, I have found the answer absolutely right.  Since I perceived the Pleiadian Council as an organization higher than the Galactic Federation, I predicted that the Council was not an organization of humanity but an organization of deities within the same framework and examined it with such prediction.  This led to such error.  It is unlikely that Mrs. Nakanishi knew about the structure of the Pleiadian Council, about which I had not known.  We can see that this message is definitely from a real goddess.  So far, every message from the Andromeda Council and the Pleiadian Council has been a message from the fake dark organizations.  The structure of the organization of real deities has been disclosed for the first time.  As for each System and each Level, please refer to the System of Heavenly World 1.

Masatoshi Takeshita
June 14, 2014

“Hello, Archangel Adrigon.  I am very pleased to ask you questions in this manner, thanks to Mrs. Nakanishi, who has drawn your illustration.  Thank you for assuming a very important post as chairperson of the Pleiadian Council.  I have something I want to make sure.  I wish you to give a response about it.

Question 1: I am sorry to have given an erroneous explanation about your message in my comment.  I think that you are a goddess of the 3rd level of Earthly Deity in the Sirius System.  Am I right?

Archangel Adrigon: You’re right.

Question 2: Since you are the chairperson of the Pleiadian Council, please tell us about the Council.  In my view, I think that the Council is an organization covering the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Systems and the Pleiadian Council is an organization of deities, consisting of the 3rd, 4th and 5th levels of Earthly Deities in each System.  Am I right?

Archangel Adrigon: There is some difference.
The Pleiadian Council is an organization covering from the 1st through the 5th Systems.

Question 3: I think that the Andromeda Council is an organization higher than the Pleiadian Council with the same structure as the Pleiadian Council, and it is an organization consisting of the 1st and 2nd levels of Earthly Deities in each System.  And these two organizations exist in pair and the two become one organization as a whole.  Am I right?

Archangel Adrigon: You’re right.

(Explanation: The above is a response to my question of whether the Andromeda Council is an organization higher than the Pleiadian Council and two organizations become one as a whole.)

Question 4: I think that there is an organization of humanity, the Galactic Federation, below these two organizations of deities, the Andromeda Council and the Pleiadian Council.  Am I right in thinking that the Galactic Federation puts decisions by deities into practice?

Archangel Adrigon: You’re right.
Three organizations (Andromeda Council, Pleiadian Council and Galactic Federation) have different roles but they are working together.

Question 5: Am I right in thinking that you reside on the 5th Planet of Alpha Centauri, Rigil Kent in the constellation of Centaurus?

Archangel Adrigon: You’re right.
How do you know?  I am very surprised. (Laughter)

Question 6: I think the Pleiadian Council is an organization consisting of a total of 27 deities: 12 deities in the Sirius System, 9 deities in the Pleiades System and 6 deities in the Ursa Major System.  Am I right?

Archangel Adrigon: According to a response to Question 2,

Pleiadian Council consists of
  Sirius System8 deities
  Pleiades System6 deities
  Ursa Major System: 4 deities
  4th System4 deities
  5th System5 deities
  27 deities in total.

(Explanation: I think that the Andromeda Council consists of a total of 27 deities: 6 deities in the 6th System, 5 deities in the 7th System, 4 deities in the 8th System, and 3 deities in each of the four Systems from the 9th to the 12th Systems.  It appears that the two Councils consist of all levels of Earthly Deities.)

Question 7: The Andromeda Council has the same organizational structure as the Pleiadian Council, which consists of 27 deities, and the Galactic Federation is an organization consisting of 51 committee members representing the Federation.  Am I right?

Archangel Adrigon; You’re quite right.

(Explanation: It appears that the Galactic Federation is an organization covering the 1st through 3rd Systems, which consists of the 3rd, 4th and 5ht levels of Earthly Deities.  It appears that there is an organization consisting of a total of 51 committee members: 32 in the 1st System, 12 in the 2nd System and 7 in the 3rd System.)

Question 8: I think that in each level in each System there are five Kitsuosane (North, South, Center, East and West) Emperors and 51 deities, who govern each level.  Would you tell me about the relations between the deities in each System and the Andromeda Council/Pleiadian Council?

Archangel Adrigon:  It’s shown below.

*In the case of the Pleiadian Council (from the Sirius System to the 5th System):
One Heavenly Emperor (Center) out of five Emperors (North, South, Center, East and West) in each System –5 deities in total
22 deities out of 51 deities
Grand total of 27 deities

*In the case of the Andromeda Council (from the 6th System to the 12th System)
One Heavenly Emperor (Center) out of five (North, South, Center, East and West) Emperors in each System – 7 deities in total
20 deities out of 51 deities
Grand total of 27 deities

Question 9: Would you specifically tell me how decisions made by these two councils are conveyed to the Galactic Federation members and implement the decisions?

Archangel Adrigon: Two representatives of the Galactic Federation never fail to attend the two Councils’ meetings.  Practical discussion is made at each meeting and the agendas deliberated there are conveyed to all members of the Galactic Federation by the two representatives to put them into practice.
On-site practical exchange of opinions with attendance of the two representatives of the Galactic Federation enables it to prevent decisions by the two upper organizations from becoming unrealistic and impracticable and to implement them smoothly.

Takeshita:  Thank you for very important information.  I’d like you to permit me to convey this information to the readers of Shanti Phula’s blog.  By the way, I think that the illustrationdrawn by Mrs. Seiko Nakanishi resembles you very much.  What do you think of it?
Archangel Zadkiel is your real elder brother, isn’t he?  If you don’t mind, I’d like you to talk about it.
Your information is very useful to us.  Thank you again for your cooperation.

Archangel Adrigon: Mrs. Nakanishi has drawn me more beautiful than what I am (Laugher).  I am very happy.  The illustration is just like me.  However, my tiara is slightly simpler and I put on a veil.

According to her, Archangel Zadkiel is her real brother and she is very happy to help you.  She has given her assent to have this information disclosed in Shanti Phula’s blog.
Seiko Nakanishi)



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