Media Never Report Importance Thing Other Than Snap Election

Media Never Report Importance Thing Other Than Snap Election

As shown in tweets, Prime Minister Abe was presumably persuaded to decide to call a snap election, getting confirmation that the LDP would be sure to beat lame-duck opposition parties. If this plot for election had been maneuvered by the Nathaniel camp, I suppose you would see something incomprehensible from now on.

The sign has already been seen; upon resolution, Your Party has been dissolved. The mass media, which do not side with either right or left, ally with the side that gives money to them. Therefore, we should pay attention to how things will go.

Masatoshi Takeshita
November 22, 2014

English translation of the except from a Japanese article: NAVER Matome(Summary) – November 19, 2014 –

Media Never Report Importance Thing Other Than Snap Election

Reading newspapers or watching TV programs, nothing except for “snap election” can be seen.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Abe Called Dissolution 
The House of Representatives’ election is to be held on 14 (Sun) of next month.

Consumption tax hike to 10% to be shelved 
Consumption tax hike to 10% was scheduled to be implemented in October next year, but it seems to be shelved until one year and a half.

Why is he going to call a snap election? 
Why of all days, near year end?

Prime Minister Abe: “Tax system is closely related with public life. The people have pros and cons of economic policies. To proceed with them, it is necessary to listen to the voices of the people.
Source: THE PAGE – ”Abenomics” “Rise to 8 percent” What are issues in dispute and cause over snap election? Easily-understandable Terminology of Current Affairs by Taro Bando, Lecturer, Waseda Prep School 
This dissolution seems to aim at questioning the public’s trust in Abenomics.

That is an ostensible reason and there actually is another reason, isn’t it? 

To nullify scandals? 
To nullify scandals?
In October, Ms. Yuko Obuchi and Ms. Midori Matsushima resigned due to scandals in the Abe Cabinet.

S&M Bar Scandal of Minister Miyazawa Disclosed 
It was disclosed that some staff used political funding as work-related expenses at a S&M bar.

Getty Images
Getty Images

And, “Now we will win” 
Prime Minister Abe seems to think that his cabinet will win the trust of the people because he has decided to shelve a tax hike.

Mr. Abe thinks that making use of not only a high approval rating of the cabinet, lame-duck opposition parties but shelved consumption tax hike, he is going to hold a victory-assured election. As a result, he intends to evade responsibility with the public approval of consumption tax hike. Mr. Abe, “you are a veritable villain.”
November 19, 2014 at 12:57

However, really important news has been hidden. 

The day before announcement of the dissolution, important news released 

Significant drop in GDP 
GDP indicates a total amount of money produced in the country through production and sale of rice, creation and sale of a new application, or providing temporary service at restaurants. In a word, GDP shows Japan’s economic power.

The GDP growth rate from July to September was at minus 1.6 percent per annum. This is the second consecutive negative quarter, worse than immediately after tax hike to 0.4 percent.  
Source: GDP from July to September Second consecutive negative by NHK news
Examining GDP, we will see whether Japan’s economy is upturn or downturn. The second consecutive negative quarter means that Japan’s economy has got aggravated.

Totally different from prediction  
According to the media, we will see upturn in economy with the lapse of time after tax hike. The reality was different.

What is this prediction? Not from the public’s viewpoint. The economy never gets better around me. Although I do understand that tax hike is the revenue necessary for children in the future, the time was wrong when the consumption tax hike to eight percent was adopted. As for this GDP, I thought that it would turn to be negative. 

スクリーンショット 2014-11-22 18.34.34 
” GDP growth rate from July to September (annualized growth rate)
Prediction by the private sector +2.49 percent
Yesterday’s announcement -1.6 percent “

November 18, 2014 at 07:08

tyumu @tyumu1216 
The following is economists’ prediction. They should be 

スクリーンショット 2014-11-22 18.38.00 

BOJ’s quarterly short-term economy survey until Sept. Pros and cons of consumption tax hike Predicted GDP growth rate for Jul. to Sept.
(Annualized growth rate on a quarter-on-quarter basis)
Hajime Takata
Chief economist, Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
More improvement in the big company and the manufacturing sector is predicted due to a drop in yen. pro 4.7%
Tomoo Kinoshita
Chief economist, Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.
Positive stance toward capital investment will be clarified. pro 3.6%
Mitsumaru Kumagai
Chief economist, Daiwa Institute of Research Ltd.
Corporations’ cautious stance will be reconfirmed. pro 3.1%
Susumu Takahashi
Chaiman, Japan Research Institute, Limited
In spite of delay in recovery from recoil reduction, refinement criterion will not collapse. It’s premature to implement it. 3.4%
Junichi Makino
Chief economist, SMBC Nikkou Securities Inc.
Outcome differs, depending on production and sale overseas If the GDP growth rate for the period of July to September is negative, it should be postponed. 2.4%

November 17, 2014 at 08:56
All economists predicted positive growth, but actually it was negative 1.6 percent …

Other news scarcely reported 
Photograph: REUTER/AFLO

Professor, Nobel laureate in economics, also Warns 
When Prime Minister tries to adopt a tax hike to 10 percent, the professor repeatedly gave warning. According to Professor Krugman, eight percent of consumption tax is too high and the tax should be back to five percent.

Arubiaka@15@alb_swan @alb_swan Since Nobel Prize winning economist, Prof. Krugman came to negotiate with Mr. Abe in person, the current Japan must be so risky. Media never try to report anything.
November 18, 2014 at 23:30







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