Message from Sumiwataru-takakihoshino-himemiko (5) – System Governed by Hierarchy Misleading Humanity

image: Wikipedia 1 & 2
Message from Sumiwataru-takakihoshino-himemiko (5) – System Governed by Hierarchy Misleading Humanity

The fifth message has reached me from Sumiwataru-takakihoshino-himemiko. I am afraid that without proper explanation, you would not understand such a difficult message. I’m going to post an article sometime soon to explain about it.

There is a word “Futomani-zu (Futomani figure)” in the message. Unless you know this figure at the very least, this message would make no sense to you. Luckily, I’ve found proper explanation about it in Wikipedia.

I invented the Futomani-zu approximately 450 million years ago to govern the heavenly world.  As conveyed in Hotsumatsutae, the figure was descended to the earth through Toyoukeno-ookami. With regard to Hotsumatsutae, Awa-no-uta is as famous as Futomani-zu. This Awa-no-uta was also invented by me approximately 27.52 million years ago. However, I cannot invent Gayatri mantra, which is paired with Awa-no-uta, because it is a mantra of goddess. So this mantra was invented jointly with a certain goddess, whose cooperation I gained. The mantra was invented around the same time as Awa-no-uta. Gayatri mantra was descended to the earth by a great sage Vishvamitra.

Hotsumatsutae was invented by my twin soul and great friend, Iyotsuhikono-mikoto. The content is elegant and accurate. Iyotsuhikono-mikoto is the supreme god in our Sirius System and his divinity was far higher than Amaterasu-oomikami. However, I think that no oracles had known about it.
The true picture of the heavenly world has not been conveyed by conventional religions on earth. I think the message sent this time gives such a useful hint that we can clarify the governing structure in the heavenly world.

Masatoshi Takeshita
December 14, 2014


<Communicator: Seiko Nakanishi>
<Communication date: December 13, 2014 13:00>

“This time, I’d like to give a supplementary explanation about “Hierarchy” as additional information about the last message.

The Hierarchy is divided into the following three.
(1)   Sirius Hierarchy
(2)   Solar Hierarchy
(3)   Earthly Hierarchy
The Hierarchy is composed of the above three.
The Earthy Hierarchy is the organization which had greatest influence on the earth among the three.

        About five minutes’ intermission –

Sorry to have you kept waiting.
Since I got an attack from the remnants of Hierarchy, I had to stop communication temporarily.
It’s all right now. They are a group of a total of more than 50 divine spirits. I suppose that they disturb communication out of fear of disclosure of the content of the communication.
But, please feel secure because they all have been arrested by the deities of the Galactic Federation.
I’m going to resume communication.

Deities involved with the Earthly Hierarchy, who have misled humanity and their positons are as follows:
Sanat Kumara (He is at the top of the three Hierarchies.)
Five deities of ki, tu, wo, sa and ne
Eight deities of a, i, fu, he, mo, wo, su and si
Many of Yaorozunokami (Whole unity of Shinto deities)
Eight deities of to, ho, ka, mi, ye, hi, ta and me

The existence of these deities in the Hierarchy has not been disclosed. It is apparent that deities whose names had not been disclosed attacked me by use of their underling divine spirits to disturb my communication.

Deities who managed to avoid condemnation in repeated judgments in the heavenly world have been arrested on charge of this sabotage after every sin they committed has been uncovered.
I believe that this incident will help promote the reformation of the heavenly world to approach completion and also carry out a plan for transition to the reformation of the earth at a fast pace.

This is the truth of the Earthly Hierarchy so far.

Although only positions are available now, their real names will be disclosed by Mr. Masatoshi Takeshita some day in the future.

Next, I’d like to let you know the governing system in the Solar Hierarchy.
                Sanat Kumara
                Five deities of ki, tu, o, sa and ne
                Eight deities of a, i, fu, he, mo, wo, su and si
                Twelve deities
                Thirty-two deities

Next, I’d like to let you know the governing system in the Sirius Hierarchy.
                Sanat Kumara
                Three deities of a, u and wa
                Eight deities of to, ho, ka, mi, we, hi, ta and me
                Thirty-two deities

                The governing system in the Sirius System is as shown in the Futomani figure.

With a full-fledged progress in reformation of the earth, various crimes in the Solar Hierarchy and Sirius Hierarchy which have been hidden would be judged.
With it, individual names of criminals would be uncovered, I think.

To be continued




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