Message from Sumiwataru-takakihoshino-himemiko 20 – Economic Collapse to destroy evil political system and its timing

Message from Sumiwataru-takakihoshino-himemiko 20 – Economic Collapse to destroy evil political system and its timing

At the beginning of the message, a songby *Ki no Tomonori put in **Hyakunin isshu is introduced. I don’t know when economic collapse will occur. However, supposing that there is some clue in the song, the collapse might occur unexpectedly earlier.
However, there are those in power who are willing to cause a war, thinking about nothing but interest of their own families. If nothing should occur, it is unlikely that such people will be removed from power. After all, it may safe to say that disasters including human-caused ones will be brought about by evil thoughts of a country’s leadership. However, it is we who choose such leadership and support them.
We have to take positively the coming global-scale chaos which looks set to occur. However, those who have not made any preparations against it will suffer a lot. Warnings have been given many times. It would be safe to say that your inner peace will determine life or death.

Masatoshi Takehita
March 29, 2015

(Translator’s note:
*Ki no Tomonori was an early Heian poet of the court, a member of the sanjurokkasen or Thirty-six Poetry Immortals. (Wikipedia)
**Ogura Hyakunin isshu is a classical Japanese anthology of one hundred Japanese waka by one hundred poets.


Message from Sumiwataru-takakihoshino-himemiko 19

<Communicator: Seiko Nakanishi>
<Communication date: March 28, 2015>

           “Hisakatano Hikarinodokeki Harunohini
                        Shizukokoronaku Hananochiruran”

(Meaning: ***On this gentle sunny spring day, I wonder why only the cherry blossoms cannot stay calm, instead scattering every which way on the ground.)
***Source:  )

Please take calm approach.

Strong light is rising up from the earth.
Immediately upon the use of this light as a signal, a plan will be carried out simultaneously everywhere on the earth.

The time is approaching when every act of atrocity related to Satanism prevailing on the earth, greedy economic system, non-virtuous way of living will be destroyed due to their karma.

Collapse of various financial systems will lead to the destruction of political system from its very foundation.

It will promptly come everywhere just like a theft at night without being recognized by anybody.

It will suddenly visit people while sleeping off guard.

Then, you will understand that what has been said in warnings is true.

I advise you to make every possible preparation when you have still enough time for preparation.

I hope you will do your best.

To be continued”

Seiko Nakanishi




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