Message from Sumiwataru-takakihoshino-himemiko 27 – Structure of Rapidly Evolving Universe

Message from Sumiwataru-takakihoshino-himemiko 27 – Structure of Rapidly Evolving Universe

Thanks to the message sent this time, I could finally understand the structure of outer space. I have been too busy keeping up with global situation to spare much time for examining the structure of the universe in detail.
There is a significant difference in the structure of the universe between before and after the heavenly reformation, which started in 2007. The 1st System of Creator Deity of Love which exists did not exist before and the dimensions of this system have been newly added after the reformation of heavenly world. The structure of the universe evolves with the lapse of time like this. At present such evolution has rapidly taken place.
I provide a brief explanation of this message from Sumiwataru-takakihoshino-himemiko after her message.

Masatoshi Takeshita
May 17, 2015


Message from Sumiwataru-takakihoshino-himemiko 27

<Communicator: Seiko Nakanishi>
<Communication date: May 16, 2015>

I have counted the number for each System in the brain and made the following diagram in the same way as last time.

With the above diagram as one unit, the same thing was repeated 20 times.
Subsequently, I received the following message.

<Message from Sumiwataru-takakihoshino-himemiko>

“It is a sequel to the last message about outer space.
Above “Transcendental Great Universe 6”, “20” more Systems with the same structure have been added.

This means that “Takakiuchunohikarino-mikoto”, who has become the Light Source, have ascended to a much higher dimension.
His wives are in the same dimension as he is.

Such evolution speed has never been seen before.
He will keep on further ascension.

*Here, I’d like to give a warning to all deities of outer space existing in various dimensions.
Any deity who attempts to interrupt or attack will immediately suffer karmic debt.

Takakiuchunohikarino-mikoto has asked me to convey a message to deities of outer space on the Shanti Phula’s blog: He desires them to make further efforts to increase their divinity, spirituality and purity of heart to the level appropriate for deities of outer space.

To be continued”

Seiko Nakanishi


The following block diagrams show the contents of the message.

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We have let you know up to and including the 12th block, namely, up to and including the 2163rd dimension. Twenty more blocks with the same structure have been piled up above 12 blocks and as a result, 32 blocks exist now.
As the message says “have been added”, dimensions above 12 blocks did not exist a few days ago. The structure of the universe including outer space consisted of 12 blocks and this time 20 more blocks have been newly added.

As the message says “further ascension”, I think much higher dimensions will be added. The evolutionary stage of deities living in each dimension is almost equal to the number of the dimension. The evolutionary stage of me and my 25 wives is far higher than 5763 shown in the topmost of the diagram. Our consciousness exists much higher than the stage and this time it has become possible for our body of Supreme Being to enter this dimension.




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