U.S. Military Veterans Oppose the Construction of New Base in Henoko “The real terrorist was Me, U.S. soldier.” – You have to make a decision about whether to live in compliance with your inner voice or to protect your own interests: Wrong decision will result in ….. –

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U.S. Military Veterans Oppose the Construction of New Base in Henoko “The real terrorist was Me, U.S. soldier.” – You have to make a decision about whether to live in compliance with your inner voice or to protect your own interests: Wrong decision will result in ….. –
According to the article, U.S. military veterans who participated in the Vietnam War or the Iraq War joined a protest in Henoko. Look at their faces. These are the faces of real human beings. These people are called humans filled with soul. You have to make a decision about whether to live in compliance with your inner voice or to protect your own interests without rebelling against authority. If you make a wrong decision, you will lose your soul.
We have already seen the result in the battle between good and evil. Darkness has no space to survive. If you can’t tell the difference between good and evil even now, you get in the situation where you can’t do anything.
A person who is a little bit sensitive to energy can feel as if energy were rising up from inside the body. Light of blessing and judgement is coming from the center of our galaxies. I think that we should clarify our stance.

December 13, 2015
Masatoshi Takeshita

English translation of an excerpt from a Japanese article: editor – December 12, 2015 –

U.S. Military Veterans Oppose the Construction of New Base in Henoko: “War Created the IS” “In the battle on terrorism, the real terrorist was Me, U.S. soldier.”

News coverage reported by Ryukyu Asahi at18:36 on December 11, 2015 (*We can see this news on the Internet. We introduce the article, followed by clippings of video capture because the news was appealing in term of content.)

In Henoko U.S. military veterans join protest

Military veterans protest in Henoko

“By 23 years old, I was dispatched to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. I do want you to see the reality. As seen in the example of the IS created in the Middle East, peace cannot be built by the army.”

“I’d like to make an appeal: We never need any base for war. There is no reason to construct any more bases.”

“I was dispatched to Iraq for the cause of ‘war on terrorism’. However, the real terrorist for Iraqi people was Me in the actual battlefield.”

Former military soldiers who had experienced cruel wars protested against the construction of a new base in Henoko.

On the morning of December 11, members of “Veterans for Peace” who came from the U.S. joined a protest.

From their own experience as soldiers in the Vietnam War or Iraq War, the members opposed armed attacks by the U.S. and have continued movement to call for peace. They raised their voice, saying “We never allow any base leading to a new war to be constructed.”

Mr. William Griffin, a former army soldier, protested by saying “By 23 years old, I was dispatched to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. I do want you to see the reality. As seen in the example of the IS created in the Middle East, peace cannot be built by the army. It is only two things that create peace: reconciliation and unity.” Mr. Mike Heins, a former marine, said: “I’d like to make an appeal: We need no bases for war. There is no reason to construct any more bases.”

“I was dispatched to Iraq for the cause of ‘war on terrorism’. However, the real terrorist for Iraqi people was me in the actual battlefield.

On 15, a symposium is scheduled to be held by members in Naha City.
U.S. veterans join the protest in Henoko

U.S. veterans protest 
Around 7 a.m. in Henoko

”There is no reason to build any more bases.” – U.S. veterans protest in Henoko
“Veterans for Peace” Members on a visit to Okinawa from 9 to appeal for anti-war and peace and stop the construction of a new base

Mr. William Griffin, a former army soldier
“By 23 years old, I was dispatched to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

“I do want you to see the reality. “

“As seen in the example of the IS created in the Middle East, peace cannot be built by the army.”

Mr. Mike Heins, a former marine who was stationed in Okinawa 20 years ago
“We need no bases for war. There is no reason to construct any more bases.”

I was dispatched to Iraq for the cause of ‘war on terrorism,’ but”

“The real terrorist for Iraqi people was Me in the actual battlefield.”







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