The ruling oligarchy and their presstitute media have become desperate ‐Integration of surface consciousness and deep consciousness: Effects to be seen in three months and to become completely unified in three years –

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The ruling oligarchy and their presstitute media have become desperate ‐Integration of surface consciousness and deep consciousness: Effects to be seen in three months and to become completely unified in three years –
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says: “They are losing control.  … The era of fooling deceived Americans is coming to an end.” For this reason, “the ruling oligarchy and their presstitute media have become desperate now” and they charge independent Internet journalists such as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts with being “Russian agents” peddling “fake news.”
The editorials of Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, seem to those who can’t understand the reality as the conspiracy theory. Since all information on important matters provided by the mainstream media is false, true information is considered as the conspiracy theory as long as the mainstream media is believed. Dr. Roberts points out in the original article that the American people have some more waking up to do and major change requires a runaway electoral victory for the American people, the equivalent of a revolution. That’s quite right. To tell the truth, humans have surface consciousness and deep consciousness separately even at the body consciousness level, which are not connected to each other. Lamentably, some channelers mistakenly believe their deep consciousness, which is nothing but body consciousness, to be a message from higher self. Earthlings live superficially.
By the way, surface consciousness and deep consciousness was integrated around 8 p.m. yesterday. It will take three months that we can see the effects. And these two will become completely one consciousness in three years. In three years there will be many bad people who go spiritually bankrupt. That’s because they have already been spiritually go bankrupt in the deep consciousness.

December 11, 2016
Masatoshi Takeshita

Shanti-phula has indicated some parts of the following text in black boldface type or in red letters.

Excerpt from a Japanese Article: Overseas Articles Never Reported by Mass Media


The Tide Is Turning Against the Oligarchs

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” George Orwell


The ruling oligarchy and their presstitute media have become desperate now that they are losing control over explanations and Americans’ minds. Thus, they charge independent Internet journalists such as myself with being Russian agents peddling fake news.


I have certainly got the oligarchs attention.


If I had to bet, I would bet that the 200 list of the oligarchy’s enemies was prepared with money from the CIA (US tax dollars or drug money), the National Endowment for Democracy (US tax dollars), and George Soros (money stolen from the British people in currency manipulation).


Perhaps the era of fooling deceived Americans is coming to an end.


As the old saying goes, those who spin webs of deceit get caught up in them, and that is where the American oligarchy and their presstitutes are, caught up in a web of lies.

The fight is far from over. Now that the ruling oligarchy understands their danger, things will get very dicey.

(The rest is omitted)







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