Elijah Wood: Hollywood Is Run By A Powerful Elite Pedophile Ring – What should we do to bring happiness to Earth? –

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Elijah Wood: Hollywood Is Run By A Powerful Elite Pedophile Ring – What should we do to bring happiness to Earth? –
It appears that increasing number of actors try to reveal the truth of Hollywood. In an article, Brad Pitt said: “Global pedophile crime networks are run by the Illuminati, the secret societies, the politicians, the bankers and the media. Hollywood is targeted by the Elite networks because there are parents in America who have the American dream who want to make theirchildren famous.” The following article exactly supports his remarks.

Although this kind of thing has not clearly come to light in Japan, we should think that Japan is in a similar situation.

Undoubtedly, the entertainment world is at least different from the ordinary society and it probably moves in accordance with the “rule of underground community.” In other words, “commands of boss” are absoluteness. It is understandable that the Abe administration has a deep connection with the entertainment world.

Idols are currently exploited like slavers. So it is no wonder that these things described in the following articles could happen.

I think that sleeping around for the business is routinely practiced because there are many female entertainers living in poverty who want to get a chance by all means.

With regard to religious world, we can always see devotees physically and mentally make sacrifices for their gurus. In such abnormal world, “God’s command is absolute” and any devotee cannot deny the command of guru, representative of God. In other words, religious world and the Mafia world are in the same club. That’s why I dislike religion.

To bring real happiness to Earth, it is important to keep away from such abnormal world. At the same time, it is necessary to eradicate Evil by shedding light on the world controlled by Darkness. It is very simple: all people have to do is to realize such Evil.

August 29, 2017
Masatoshi Takeshita

Shanti-phula has indicates some parts of the following text in black boldface type or in red letters.

Excerpt from a Japanese article: Design of Creation Society – August 29, 2017 –

Elijah Wood: Hollywood Is Run By A Powerful Elite Pedophile Ring  Actor exposes pedophilia and links to Washington child abuse



Jay Greenberg
February 9, 2017, www.neonnettle.com

Actor Elija Wood has come forward to expose the true nature of Hollywood pedophilia, claiming that the entire industry is run by a powerful pedophile ring that’s shielded by elite ties in Washington D.C.


The former child star, who made his debut in Back To The Future II aged 8, said that he was lucky to be protected by his mother when he first arrived in Hollywood, and he didn’t attend the types of parties where the pedophiles would pray on the young actors.

Fellow former child actor, Corey Feldman, recently revealed his experiences as a child star in Hollywood and described how himself and his best friend, Corey Haim, were molested by “powerful older men” who surrounded children “like vultures” at parties organized by Tinsel Town elites.
Feldman attributes Haim’s molestation to his drink and drug-fueled demise that led to his eventual death.

Elija Wood claims that the Hollywood scandal is on a scale similar to that of Jimmy Savile in the UK, in which the former TV star, who had a close relationship with the British Royal Family, was not only a serial pedophile that had abused literally hundreds of children, but he was also a procurer of children for elite pedophile rings.

You all grew up with SavileJesus, it must have been devastating,” he told The Sunday Times. “Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood. It was all organised”.


Last week, hundreds of arrests were made across California in a huge pedophile bust to crack down on human trafficking.


Anne Henry, the co-founder of Bizparents, an organization set up to help young actors, claimed Hollywood was currently sheltering “100 active abusers” and a “tsunami” of claims was emerging.

Excerpt from a Japanese article: Design of Creation Society – August 29, 2017 –


By: Jay Greenberg
12th December 2016 www.neonnettle.com

Norwegian Police have just uncovered over 150 terabytes of child porn, in the largest child sex abuse case in modern history, named “Operation Darkroom’, that has uncovered photos, movies and chat logs containing atrocities against young children and babies, in a year-long bust that targeted pedophiles operating on the “DarkNet”, or “Deep Web”.

The “DarkNet’ is the part of the internet that isn’t indexed by search engines and requires specific types of web browsers to access it, and this anonymity allows pedophiles and other criminals to operate and pass information around freely.

Despite the huge success of this bust by Norway Police, there’s a complete mainstream media blackout in the UK and US, as the English-speaking West refuses to publish any details on the case in a rush to cover up the recent PizzaGate scandal.


The material shows penetration of toddlers, children being tied, children who have sex with animals and children who have sex with other children.  <snip>  Some of the accused performed abuses directly online, including atrocities against their own children.

Police stressed that the case involves a network. The investigation is ongoing.

So while the U.S. media busied itself with its campaign of denial, lies and cover-ups involving Pizzagate and “fake news,” this huge child sex abuse story broke in Norway.

It is a truly remarkable story with global implications. Take special note of the shocking file size — 150 terabytes!   <snip>   The Library of Congress holds about 600 terabytes of Web data. Its online archive grows at a rate of about 5 terabytes per month. Also note the horrifically sadistic nature of the material seized. And note that police are investigating the reach as worldwide, which means it involves a massive scale of evil filth. But nobody in the criminally compliant mainstream media thinks its newsworthy.


The New Nationalist (TNN) has said from the beginning that Pizzagate is a poor term. We prefer pedogate. This goes far beyond just one perv hangout pizzeria.

(The rest is omitted)






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