Cobra Resistance Movement (RM) and “Sisterhood of the Rose” are essentially a group of Theosophists and a fringe organization of the Hierarchy.

image: Author:rinia [CC BY-SA]
Cobra Resistance Movement (RM) and “Sisterhood of the Rose” are essentially a group of Theosophists and a fringe organization of the Hierarchy.
The systematic chart below shows rough structure of the Planetary Hierarchy. There is Sanat Kumara (Lord of the World) at the top of the hierarchy, who is supported by three Kumaras. Under Kumaras there are 12 Ascended Masters headed by Christ Maitreya.

Please refer to the article on October 11, 2014, in which the past lives of Ascended Masters are described.

You can see the names of Ham (Noah’s child) and Nimurod in 12 Ascended Masters. They used to be Lords of the Black Lodge. They lost power in the world of Darkness, paid penance and they were rescued by the White Lodge and finally assigned to serve as aides of Maitreya.

The article below is about Cobra information, according to which Cobra has ended up a woman. In the previous article, I taught you a way to determine the sex of a person. Use this method, and you can easily understand that the sender of this information is a woman. 

We see “Sisterhood of the Rose” in the article.  It seems that they try to recruit new members. Please keep away from any group of Darkness. 

Visit the website of “Sisterhood of Rose,” and you will find illustrations or photos of Comte de Saint Germaine, Master Koot Hoomi, Master Serapis Bey, Master Moriya and Madame Blavatsky in extremely terrible vibrations.  

From this point, we can see that Cobra Resistance Movement (RM) and the “Sisterhood of the Rose” are essentially a group of Theosophists and a fringe organization of the Hierarchy.

On this blog I repeatedly convey that these Ascended Masters and their main disciples have already been destroyed in Reformation of Heavenly Worldand they no longer exist, and I showed how to confirm the fact. However, they refuse to listen to me. 

There are three types of Hierarchy: the Sirius Hierarchy, the Solar Hierarchy and the Earthly Hierarchy. The Sirius Hierarchy was an organization led by Supreme God Ra and Horus. The Solar Hierarchy was an organization led by Ramakrishna. The Earthly Hierarchy was an organization led by Sanat Kumara and Maitreya, as shown in the chart below. 

The Sphere Being Alliance is organized by members of the Earthly Hierarchy and the Solar Hierarchy. The “Galactic Confederation” and the “Galactic Federation of Light” are organizations consisting of members of the “Earthly Hierarchy.” Another seven groups of Ancient Earth-Breakaway Civilization is subsidiary group of the Earthly Hierarchy.

I gave an explanation about this in the chart described in the article dated on December 11, 2018. Please refer to the chart together with my comment which I made at that time.

All members of the Hierarchy were not the wicked but most of the members were deceived by the top bras inthe Hierarchy. So two-thirds of the members who were informed of the actual facts in the Reformation of the Heavenly World awoke to the truth and took sides with the deities. The remaining one-third continued to fight back and have been destroyed one after another. I think that the remnants survive only on Earth. Cobra Resistance Movement (RM) and its related organization are the remnants.

Masatoshi Takeshita
April 13, 2019

Shanti-phula has indicated some parts of the following text in black bold—faced type or in red letters.

Organizational Chart of Solar Hierarchy and Earthly Hierarchy

(Source: Tonpa First Issue published by Shuppan-shinsha)

Excerpt from a Japanese article: PFC-JAPAN OFFICIAL 19/4/4 PFC-JAPAN

Soul Families Workshop Report and Planetary Situation Update


Our Soul Families workshop in Budapest was extremely successful. Many key instructions for cracking the Matrix on the surface of the planet were successfully transmitted to the very awake participants of the workshop.
Many new volunteers came to the stage to form new Sisterhood of the Rose groupsthroughout the planet.

Instructions for them: if your group has 3 or more people that meet physically regularly, you can make your group public so more people from your area can join. You can do so by sending an email to, and request to be added to the main Sisterhood of the Rose list here:

<The rest is omitted>






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