President Trump and Department of Defense plan to convene a military tribunal by preparing the way for Nuremberg-style tribunals and introducing martial law – Plan to cause riots in big cities across the U.S. and Martial law –

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President Trump and Department of Defense plan to convene a military tribunal by preparing the way for Nuremberg-style tribunals and introducing martial law – Plan to cause riots in big cities across the U.S. and Martial law –
Mr. Fulford says in the first article that U.S. President Donald Trump and the Department of Defense prepares the way for Nuremberg-style tribunals. He seems to declare matrial law and judge civilians in military tribunals.

According to the second article, the Trump administration will start accusing traitors on March 11. The Obama/Clinton side seems to plan riots in big cities across the U.S. in order to avoid indictment. However, I don’ think that it will achieve success, but rather it will cause President Trump to declare martial law. We can say that villains have been driven into a corner.

According to the third article, final arrangements are under way for the visit of Obama, the head of villains, in late March. I wonder why he is not confined to GTMO.

I suspect that he may visit Japan to secure asylum route. If he should be arrested in Japan, it is so dramatic that Japanese who have been cat’s-paws of neoconservatives will be immediately arrested.

I hope they will succeed to clean up Japan.

March 7, 2018
Masatoshi Takeshita

Shanti-phula has indicated some parts of the following text in black boldface type or in red letters.

Excerpt from a Japanese article: How Sad! – March8, 2018 –

Fulford Report (March 5)


The Khazarian mafia faction that has been trying to start World War III and kill 90% of humanity is now on its last legs, multiple sources agree. The clearest sign of this was an executive order and a 636-page annex issued on March 1 by U.S. President Donald Trump and the Department of Defense that prepares the way for Nuremberg-style tribunals.


In the next big geopolitical chess move, the trading of oil futures using gold-backed yuan, will start in China on March 26. This will add another blow to the financial controllers of the petrodollar, who now control only the U.S., Japan, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.


CIA and Pentagon sources both say the stock market is going to be crashed to bankrupt the remaining cabalists in the U.S. and Israel and prepare the way for a new asset-backed financial system for the West, to complement the one China is about to launch.


There are also serious plans underway to start a Western counterpart to the Chinese OBOR project that will create an unprecedented economic boom,” he says.

(The rest is omitted)

English translation of an excerpt from a Japanese article: Trend of Japan, World and Universe – March 7, 2018 –

Riots and terrors to occur all over the U.S. on March 11 (Sunday)?

Although there have been no posts from Qanon for a while, he seems to have posted a message on weekend, a few days ago.

According to an uploader who decoded his message, Solos-led riots (terrors or purple revolution?) will be launched in big cities across the U.S. from March 11 (Monday). That’s because the Trump administration will start accusing traitors on the day. The Trump administration is reportedly making preparations to get back America from the evil ruler.

Refer to for details:

(The rest is omitted)

English translation of the Japanese version of Sputnik – March 6, 2018 –

Mr. Obama to visit Japan in late March

Final arrangements are under way for the visit of former U.S. president Obama to Japan in late March, with the most likely date considered to be March 24 and 25. Mr. Obama may hold talks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during his stay. A Japanese government source said on 5.

Sputnik Japan

If a meeting is realized, they will exchange opinions over the issues of North Korean nuclear and missile development. Mr. Obama visited an A-bombed city Hiroshima in May 2016 and the prime minister visited Hawaii’s Pearl Harbor, in December 2016.







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