Russian Authorities: FlyDubai Plane which crashed at an airport in Russia was presumably shot down by US missiles

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Russian Authorities: FlyDubai Plane which crashed at an airport in Russia was presumably shot down by US missiles
FlyDubai plane crashed in a Russian airport. According to the following report, the plane was shot down by American missiles, which were manufactured by the Turkish weapons manufacturer and defense contractor.
The report says that this plane crash is a terrorist attack and Turkey’s President Erdogan and Ukraine’s President Proroshenko are likely to have a hand in the incident.
Like Japan, Turkey and Ukraine are U.S. vassal states. Considering that Prime Minister Abe sees eye to eye with Erdogan and Poroshenko, we see the future of Japan is in quite a precarious state. It is highly likely that false flag terrorism will occur in Japan at a time most convenient for the government.

March 23, 2016
Masatoshi Takeshita

Excerpt from a Japanese article: Trend of Japan, World and Universe – March 22, 2016 –
Russian Authorities: FlyDubai Plane which crashed at an airport in Russia was presumably shot down by US missiles

This is FIM-92 Stinger surface-to-air missile which allegedly shot down FlyDubai Plane


Russia Claim FlyDubai Plane Was Shot Down By US Missiles

Russia have turned over the investigation of the FlyDubai Flight 981 crash over to The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (SLEDKOM) after evidence emerged that the plane might have been shot down by two American missiles.
According to the Federal Security Service – video surveillance tapes prove that two shoulder missiles of American origin were fired shortly before the plane attempted to land. reports:
According to this report, SLEDKOM is the main federal investigating authority in Russia whose director took the lead in the investigation of this crash over the Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) and Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) who were initially tasked with it, and due to a number of “shocking discoveries” that were made involving this horrific tragedy that killed 62.
Among the first of these “shocking discoveries” made, this report continues, was that among the dead from this crash was a “high level” American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) official and that this plane was carrying US$27 million in cash.
 As to what caused this plane to explode was due to its being struck by two FIM-92 Stinger shoulder fired infrared homing surface-to-air missiles which were identified by the unique “chemical signature” of the high-explosive used in them.

 Though these missiles are made by the American defense giant Raytheon, this report continues explaining, the high-explosive used in the attack upon FlyDubai Flight 981 has been traced to the Turkish weapons manufacturer and defense contractor under a license granted to them by the European multinational defense giant Airbus Group.
The “combat sophistication” of this missile attack against FlyDubai Flight 981 is, also, to be noted, this report says, due to this plane being “nearly simultaneously” struck in its left wing section (which caused the main jet fuel explosion) and rear galley section where the flight recorders for this type aircraft are situated—and which left these flight recorders so damaged, IAC investigators say it will be over a month to retrieve their data, if at all.
To the “motivational terror actors” behind this attack, this report continues, it appears to be Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Ukraine president Petro Poroshenko—both of whom have publically voiced their extreme hatred of Russia, and after their 9 March meeting in Ankara to form their “Black Sea Axis” against the Federation, the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) noted a US$7 million bank transfer from Poroshenko to Erdoğan that was followed by the loading onto Poroshenko’s plane of 5 “heavily shielded” crates whose contents were not able to be determined—but could very well have contained these FIM-92 Stinger missiles made by Roketsan used to destroy FlyDubai Flight 981.
As to why Poroshenko would want to attack Russia in such a vile manner, this report says, was, most likely, his attempt to “change/misdirect” the trial outcome for Ukrainian “spy/terrorist” Nadiya (Nadezhda) Savchenko—but who, earlier today was found guilty of murdering two Russian journalists in 2014.
The FSB had used in the trial to convict her numerous “beyond top secret” emails obtained by Russian intelligence analysts from the unsecured computer of former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The FSB is, also, investigating other “terror scenarios” including its link to the Islamic State, Western governments and organized crime elements, all of whom in the past have shown little to no regard for human life.







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