Japan’s security legislation reflects the move of Pentagon that intends to have Japanese armed forces participate in peace-keeping organization – People who are arrogant enough to think they are above the law have no chance to survive

image: sputniknews.com & blog.zaq.ne.jp
Japan’s security legislation reflects the move of Pentagon that intends to have Japanese armed forces participate in peace-keeping organization – People who are arrogant enough to think they are above the law have no chance to survive

Reading this Fulford’s report, you will clearly understand that World War III will never happen.
The latter half of the article deals with the move of the Pentagon that intends to have Japanese armed forces participate in peacekeeping operations for global peace. Ignoring the Constitution and public will cannot be justified for whatever reason. If the Pentagon takes an arrogant attitude to the public, they will be destroyed together with Evil some time.
What happened to fellow deities who had jointly fought in the reformation of heavenly world after establishment of peace in the heavenly world? You will understand it by seeing, for example, how SaLuSa disappeared. Nobody can tell what will eventually happen to organizations or people of Light who are fighting against Evil.
Only one out of 1,000 people on the earth can survive. Almost no persons revered as saints or deities have survived. I can say with certainty that people who are arrogant enough to think they are above the law have no chance to survive.

Masatoshi Takeshita
July 23, 2015

Excerpt from a Japanese article: How Sad! – July 23, 2015 –


Fulford Report -July 21

Benjamin Fulford – July 20, 2015: The cabal is being systematically dismantled so “Just watch as it unfolds,” Pentagon says.

This is what a top Pentagon person has to say about the ongoing take-down of the Khazarian mafia: “Just Watch is as it unfolds. You will be tempted to get a pitchfork ready here and there but, just leave it in the closet. All should be accomplished without a shot being fired if everything goes according to plan.

The key event to trigger all this was the deal between Russia, England, China, France, the United States, Germany and Iran to ensure Iran had the right to peacefully develop nuclear power without developing nuclear bombs.

In any case,
the Iran nuclear accord means that a 30-year old campaign by the Khazarian mafia and their slave politicians in Washington and Tel Aviv to use Iran to start a world war has ended.

Now US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is visiting Israel, Saudi Arabia and Jordan to “read the riot act,” according to Pentagon sources. What Carter is going to tell war-criminal Benyamin Netanyahu is that now that the Iranian nuclear issue has been settled Russia, the Vatican, the Pentagon, the EU, the Chinese etc. are demanding that Israel dismantle its own rogue nuclear program, the sources say.

The push against the Khazarian mafia is a US military industrial complex and Russian co-production that has forced house slave acting-President Obama to read an entirely new script. The Chinese are taking a passive but supportive role in this campaign, Chinese and Pentagon sources say.

Furthermore, the Pentagon and its allies are pushing for an end to US military aid to Israel because it is against US law to send arms to a country (ie Israel) that is going against the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Not only that,
recently the Israelis have been actively using or trying to use nuclear weapons in Syria, Yemen, the Ukraine and elsewhere. However, for years the Pentagon has been putting back doors into weapons they have sold to Israel and Saudi Arabia meaning they can and are being be neutralized when needed.

The Saudi Arabians already got the message and arrested 421 members of the Khazarian fake ISIS terror group just prior to Carter’s visit to show they were willing to flip against the Khazarians.

The same is true of Nigeria, where top military brass have been purged of officers who accepted money from the Khazarians to finance the obscurantist and violent Boko Haram (Books are banned) movement.

While the worldwide take-down of the Khazarian mafia is expected to accelerate over the coming months, other world events also need to be examined.

One big issue has been the Japanese government’s decision to allow the Japanese armed forces to participate in defensive overseas military campaigns. This is part of an ongoing Pentagon move to try to create genuine world peace by joining all the world’s defense forces into a single planetary defense and peace-keeping organization.

the Chinese, Indians and others are waiting for international organizations like the UN and the World Court to stop being instruments of Western imperialism and to become genuine representatives of the people of the world before they are willing to cede any more sovereignty to supra-national organizations such as a world peace keeping force.

There is also a lot going on that cannot be reported at this time. However,
Illuminati Grand-Master Alexander Romanov has been freed from involuntary incarceration in a Japanese mental hospital. This was a result of high-level pressure placed on the Japanese government and shows that a fundamental power shift has taken place here. In other words, the Khazarians have lost control of Japan.

There are
also important meetings taking place this week involving the Chinese, the Russians, various marital arts societies, the illuminati, the White Dragon Society, the Freemasons and other groups. These groups all want to return the control of the financial system to the people.







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