Parent and Child (1) - "Right Priorities (Fatherliness & Motherliness)" [FREE] - Family Ties - Parent and Child - Lectures

Parent and Child (1) - "Right Priorities (Fatherliness & Motherliness)" [FREE]

Masatoshi Takeshita’s lecture series “Family Ties - Parent and Child” offers marvelous occasions to learn how to build wonderful family relations.

We have heard lots of positive comments from our audience such as: “This was great!!”;”I think I am a different person now.”, etc.

Centered around the parent-child relation, this free video presents the basics of the “Family Ties” in a condensed manner. The “Family Ties” Series is extended in the subsequent lectures including those dealing with your mind problems and presenting detailed descriptions of how to solve these matters.

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Parent and Child (1) - "Right Priorities (Fatherliness & Motherliness)" [FREE]

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Outline & Contents

This first session gives a basic overview of the family ties. In order to survive in the coming era of hardship, the next economic crisis in particular, you are invited to understand how important your family ties are. Essentials of the parent-child relationship and the child rearing, as well as the gist of how to build a harmonious husband and wife relationship which is also the required foundation for the parent-child relationship and the child rearing.

1. Japan’s Economic Situation (00:00:00)

  • How people are doing in the current economic situation
  • Outlook for Japan’s economic life in the coming years.

2. The Husband-Wife Relation the Most Important; the Parent-Child Relation the Second Most Important. (00:01:19)

  • What counts the most for getting over the coming critical stage of society. The transformation of values required of the contemporary males. The important value criteria that plays a determining role in the happiness and misery of human life.
  • Let’s have a family capable of coping with no matter what world comes.
  • Couples in disguise (tied together by obligation of repaying a housing loan) who only go through the motions of being husband and wife
  • Sadly, ours is the world where women evaluate the risk of having children...
  • Men’s criteria for choosing a woman and women’s criteria for choosing a man
  • Parents who want their children to take over their lucrative position
  • There are scarcely truly loving couples.

3. Essentials of Child Rearing (00:11:32)

  • Motherly love and fatherly love. The mother’s role and the father’s role in the process of child rearing. The vital points observed in child rearing are discussed.
  • Let’s have a look behind the TV screen.
  • Essentials of child rearing
  • Motherly love and fatherly love
  • Two types of babies who don’t cry
  • Speak to your baby when in contact with you.
  • Babies don’t cry so long as their needs are met a little.

4. Never Tell Your Son to Study. (00:23:39)

  • A child properly brought up has a good influence on society. What is unconditional love in concrete terms, which is essential for rearing autonomous children capable of learning and thinking for themselves?
  • Movies and dramas should not be shown to children.
  • But actually, what type of manpower is required by the management?
  • A very composed child who has changed his teachers’ ideas on life
  • Two cases of adolescence without rebellious stages
  • ”We didn’t criticize him at all.”
  • What is unconditional love?

5. What Father Passes on to Children (00:31:01)

  • The essential role played by the father on and after the child’s adolescence. How Masatoshi Takeshita connects with his son in daily life, telling him how he views the world.
  • Nowadays, the father-child relationship is already broken at the child’s adolescence when the father’s role is most important.
  • The Takeshita's talk about TV programs with each other.

6. Let’s Reconsider the Family & Work Balance (00:40:27)

  • What is the true manliness or “cool” way of living?
  • On the values and the responsibilities the males should grow to take on in the age to come.
  • Ichiro’s way of life
  • How to get out of a primeval way of life
  • Mother and father seen from the child’s perspective
  • Child rearing is much harder than working in the office.

7. Males’ True Coolness Tested (00:50:25)

  • Why is males’ ability to listen so poor? You need certain considerations.
  • What cares are required of the wives who want to have their husband listen to their story?
  • Taboos for husbands when they listen to their wife and/or children.
  • The happiest environment and moment for children to feel the love of parents.
  • What does a weeping wife need from his husband?
  • In case the wife’s sorrow is due to the husband’s conduct.
  • The effects of bad feelings (their discord) on the child

End (01:08:27)


  • Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps: How We're Different and What to Do About it (2001), by Allan Pease & Barbara Pease

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