What Is Ajna Chart?
Ajna Chart is an art object that represents the architectonics of the 6th chakras (Ajna chakras) reputed as the seat of discernment.
This product activates your chakras by virtue of finely designed colors, shapes and arrangements of petals. Meditation with this Chart hung on the wall, watched, touched, etc. activates your chakras and helps purify your mind and body.
Two Varieties of Ajna Chart
There are two varieties of Ajna Chart: Surya (solar) Chart and Chandra (lunar) Chart, which are for sale as a package only deal.
- The Solar -
Sympathetic Nerve Predominance
Surya Ajna Chart

The 6th chakra in the nerve plexus and
the 7 chakras on the body surface
get activated.
- The Lunar -
Parasympathetic Nerve Predominane
Chandra Ajna Chart

The 6th chakra in the spinal cord and
the 7 chakras on the body surface
get activated.
The Two Surfaces (Left Rotation and Right Rotation) of Ajna Chart

On a single piece of paper, Ajna Chart represents the “Left Rotation” and the “Right Rotation” of Chakras by double face printing. The figures on the recto and the verso are printed so as to overlap perfectly with each other, thanks to an advanced technique.
The surface of left rotation and that of right rotation differ in effects. They activate the release/absorption of Qi (prana) from/into chakras, according to the gender of the user.

This art work created by double face printing (protected between 2 transparent acrylic resin sheets) comes in a frame with either of its two surfaces displayed. You can choose either by taking the art work out of the frame, then reversing it.
Size Selection
You can choose from 2 sizes.

The product comes in 2 sizes: large & small ― according to the size of your room. The large size product is by far more effective, so it’s highly recommended!
The Design of Ajna Chart and the 6th Chakras

What Is the 6th Chakra (Ajna Chakra)?

The Ajna chakra is the chakra of wisdom that corresponds to knowledge, intelligence, truth, intuition, foresight, a broad view of the world.
With the Ajna chakras awakened, you will have creative original ideas flowing one after another thanks to increased intuition. The intuitive grasp of essences of things helps easily pick up true information from a flood of information.
From: The Seven Chakras that bring forth the Bliss and Brilliant Prospects, Care-Fit Japan Inc. (2006), written by Masatoshi Takeshita. )
What Is the 6th Chakra (Ajna Chakra)?

Ajna Chart is a stylized design of the Ajna chakra.
The left figure shows the symbol of Ajna chakra. The letters OM are found at the center, with HAM (left) and KSHAM (right) represented by two petals.
Ajna Chart is represented by 96 petals, which are composed of 48 petals representing HAM and 48 petals representing KSHAM.
The World’s First Art Work That Represents the Gayatri Mantra!

Ajna Chart does not exactly duplicate the shapes and colors of the petals of Ajna chakra, whose actual colors are purple across the board.
Ajna Chart is a representation of the Gayatri Mantra, a great legacy of India, that activates the Ajna chakra.

The most marvelous point about Ajna Chart is that not only the Ajna chakras in the nerve plexus and the spinal cord are activated, but at the same time all the 7 chakras on the body surface are opened.
For indeed such is the nature of the Gayatri Mantra based on which Ajna Chart is designed.
Even the paintings created by world-famous painters rarely open chakras (which yet respond to them). If any, it is barely at the rate of one against hundreds or thousands of such paintings.
So most probably, this is the world’s first visual art work that opens Ajna chakras in the nerve plexus and the spinal cord. Ajna Chart is a visual art work created by Masatoshi Takeshita, based on a scientific analysis of the Gayatri Mantra.
Any person with feelings associated with chakras would understand how extraordinary an art work this is!
How to Enjoy Your Ajna Chart
There are various ways to enjoy Ajna Chart.
A detailed account will be attached when purchase is made.

Hung on the wall on a daily basis, Ajna Chart serves to activate your chakras and purify your mind and body!
One of the recommended usages is arranging 2 varieties of Ajna Chart side by side, as you see below.
[1] For a Dynamic Life Space, Such As Living or Working Place
Release for Male/Absorption for Female

Release for Female/Absorption for Male

[2] For a Relaxing Space for Your Body & Mind (Where You Can Develop Self-awareness)
Release for Male/Absorption for Female

Release for Female/Absorption for Male

The mode of adornment illustrated here activates
the Ajna chakras in the nerve plexus and the spinal cord
+ the 7 chakras on the body surface
the total of 9 chakras at the same time!
* For the detail of the mode of adornment, please read the account which will be attached to the product when purchase is made.
* The mode of adornment in which “release” applies to the gender of the user is mainly recommended, though effects are given by either of the modes of adornment that correspond to “release” or “absorption”.
* In case a bed room is adorned, please take care of where to set the product. Some may have difficulty going to sleep, depending on the arrangement.

Place Ajna Chart at the height of your hands, touch it with all fingers of both hands, and feel as your consciousness is lightly focused on Ajna chakras.
At the points where Ajna chakras are located, a sensitive person will experience the feeling of chakras opening together with intensive vibrations.
Contemplation in Silence! Meditation!
Please relax and contemplate Ajna Chart, with your consciousness slightly focused on Ajna chakras.
Feel attentively vibrations that are coming from Ajna chakras.
It is also recommended to practice meditation by touching Ajna Chart. Depending on whether you feel better with its “release” surface or its “absorption” surface, work out the best manner of hanging the product.
Producing Water That Purifies Your Body

Put a cup of water on Ajna Chart.
Ideally, the duration should be more than 30 seconds or, if possible, 10 minutes, etc. In this way, the content will turn into water that purifies your body. Drink this water, and all of the 7 chakras on the body surface and of the Ajna chakras corresponding to each Chart variety (Surya or Chandra) will be opened at the same time.
* In this case, either the “release” surface or the ”absorption” surface will do. You can best choose among them according to your bodily needs.
* This usage is also applicable to other kinds of stuff. Please take care not to spill water on, or stain, Ajna Chart.
* The Surya Chart opens the Ajna chakras in the nerve plexuses while the Chandra Chart opens the Ajna chakras in the spinal cord.
Customer Playbacks
Here are some voices of the users we interviewed about our product.

A friend of mine visited my family and, when leaving, said, “Yours has felt like a place I would love to stay for ever!” This word struck me as impressive.

Were there any occasions that triggered your decision of purchase?
Well, I think that was of no matter. On one occasion, the moment I saw Ajna Chart on an introductory page about the product, I felt as if it was sparkling beautifully. This image still remains impressive in my mind.
Later, the image of Ajna Chart appeared realistically in my dream and this might have had a positive effect.
I think it was really good that I made this purchase. Now I cherish it as my treasure!
What is your usage like?
I adorn the living room with Chandra Chart (parasympathetic predominance)’s release surface of revolution (for female). For I would like to relax. My husband often takes a nap in this room.
The room upstairs (now my very own, though in fact my children’s) is adorned with Surya Chart (sympathetic predominance)’s release surface of revolution (for female). I feel this choice is the most suitable for writing on the desk or enjoying the time for myself in an effective manner.
Now that several months have passed since the purchase, I’d like to try changing Charts, putting Surya in the living room on the ground floor and Chandra on the second where I’d also like to try and look at myself in silence.
Do you feel any effect as the product is used?
Yes, very much.
I look forward to entering either room with a Chart, and it is indeed pleasant to be there. I feel composed very much or get motivated.
And this is also amazing, but the frequency of our marital disputes seems to have suddenly decreased since this purchase. It may be that we now think of each other and examine ourselves more frequently.
A friend of mine visited my family and, when leaving, said, “Yours has felt like a place I would love to stay for ever!” This word struck me as impressive...
Finally, could you conclude with a few words?
Chakras can indeed be opened or awakened, by just adorning, contemplating or touching an ornamental art work. That’s miraculous!
The beauty to the eyes is so alluring that I also experience a feeling of wonder. Moreover, this art work purifies the mind and body of persons in presence, so I think it’s indeed a beneficial treasure.
The body can be purified by just drinking water placed on a Chart, and that’s also amazing!
I’d like to hand down this Chart from generation to generation with the greatest affection.
Deep within my forehead, I feel a strong pressure applied, a direct feeling of activation of Ajna chakra! I’m satisfied with this purchase.

Were there any occasions that triggered your decision of purchase?
I had always been aiming to get this art work once having entered a university. This occasion came at the same time as a tax raise, so I ventured this. Moreover, the premium of “Hunnyora-chan” Files (by Master Takeshita's own handwriting) was quite attractive, so I adorned our toilet with them thankfully. (*'▽')
I think this was a happy purchase. I get the feeling Ajna Chart will be of great help to me throughout my life time.
What is your usage like?
While working at my desk, I keep my Chart always in my sight, leaned on the desktop. Basically, I keep its release surface displayed.
But now and again, I contemplate its absorption surface by way of meditation. Then, I feel fine with my mind and body relaxed.
Do you feel any effect, using the product?
The feeling I have is more intense than when I sit with hands in a mudra pose.
Also, I do feel all seven chakras on the body surface opening.
At the start, I didn’t have such a feeling. Recently, I came to feel this naturally, most probably thanks to the effect of keeping the product on my desk.
Finally, could you conclude with a few words?
The body is purified by just placing the product... So, I’m sure anybody who can’t tell what chakras are like should naturally learn to feel them!
My most favorite usage is contemplating two Charts leaned side by side, just absent-minded. This is a blissful moment.

Were there any occasions that triggered your decision of purchase?
On the website’s introductory page about the product, or when finding it adorned in a video lecture room, I was somehow attracted by its beauty. Since early times, I used to love gloating over many colors being arranged side by side (as in boxes of crayons or colored pencils), so I was indeed fascinated. Moreover, this works on my chakras!
Honestly, I had much conflict with myself about the purchase because it was too expensive for my finances. But despite myself, I finally clicked the button “Add to Cart”, ― for a “signed product offered during a limited time period only”! Oops!
What is your usage like?
I love contemplating two Charts leaned side by side, in a rather absent-minded manner.
Besides making special water for drinking, I practice meditation and focus consciousness on my chakras, following Master Takeshita’s instructions given on the website.
Do you feel any effect when you use the product?
With both hands on Chandra Chart, I feel the occipital-spinal region of my body swelling in one stroke as if being unzipped. That’s very curious and interesting. I’ve taken to this experience.
Finally, could you conclude with a few words?
Before purchase, I was gloating over a photo posted on the site. But the original was even more notable: The moment I opened the box arrived, I felt a jerking in my body! I strongly recommend everyone to try this experience.
On top of that, it’s so beautiful! And I can make a bit special water, too. What good value!
From the Product Developer, Masatoshi Takeshita:
Actual contact with an object like this art work will reveal that the chakras truly exist, are acted upon and do vibrate inside the human body.
The chakras are closely associated with a person’s spiritual evolution and the flowering of his or her talent. There are highly gifted persons in the world and they surely have their chakras opened in some way or other.
They don’t regard themselves as having mastered any technique for awakening chakras, but they have actually acquired such an art as a result, I should say, through the course of their life. In light of this fact, you can indeed have your talent flowering naturally if you master the technique for opening your chakras in a conscious manner.
The evolution of spirituality accompanied by purification of your mind and body brings joy and peace to yourselves and society. I will be happy if my Oriental Medicine Seminar and Ajna Chart help bring such a goal to fruition.
•The term ”activation of chakras” used on our pages means that chakras are temporarily opened, while the term “awakening of chakras” means that chakras become opened on a constant basis.
•Please avoid hanging the product on the wall or using it for many hours in any place where it is subjected to direct sunlight. While UV-processed acrylic sheets are used, the product may suffer color fading in use environment with the result that the effects can be expected no longer.
•Please take care not to spill water on, or stain, the product when you place any object on it.
•Within the scope of usage introduced in this document, no physical deconditioning can usually take place. However, if you should feel unwell after the purchase, please avoid using Ajna Chart for a while. Then, resume the use. While the product has no adverse effects, you can consider that it is not fit for your present condition.
•All rights reserved. No reproduction or copy may be made.