The war for the planet earth will lead to a new Cambrian explosion
Notice to readers: The next three reports will be pre-written so that I may take my annual digital detox and fast in Canada. Barring some unexpected black swan event regular reports will resume on August 22nd. Your understanding and support is appreciated.
Sometimes it is important to step back from the day to day struggle for the planet earth and look at the big picture. Here the evidence is clear. The planet earth is headed for some sort of Cambrian explosion type event and dark forces are trying to prevent this from happening. In other words, we are dealing with something far more important than just a 21st century political struggle.
To understand what is at stake, let us look again at the Cambrian explosion. For about 3.5 billion years, life on earth was microscopic in scale. What we would have been able to see with the naked eye would have been brown scum or maybe mats of algae. Then suddenly, about 530 million years ago, macro-life exploded into being. The oceans were filled with a dazzling variety of life forms that were trillions of times larger than anything that existed before. It was the evolutionary equivalent of a big bang.
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