The Economist: Iran's oil smuggling network has become more complicated/ selling oil in yuan to teapots made Iran unsanctionable
The Economist wrote, America will try to break Iran's oil smuggling complex, but after years of sanctions, this operation has become a complex…
While the West struggles with mental illness; the world moves on
Benjamin Fulford
October 23, 2023
Like a squid shooting ink to avoid predation, the Khazarian Mafia is spreading Palestinian fear and loathing porn in order to avoid bankruptcy and arrest. It won’t work. Most of the world is not paying attention to the hysteria the KM are trying to generate. They know exactly where the real problem lies.
The real war going is not between Israelis and Palestinians, but between white hats and Satanists. White hat special forces are now in Israel with shoot-to-kill orders against any person who goes against the rules of war and chivalry by attacking non-combatants. They understand very well that the Satanists are pretending to be both Hamas and Israeli soldiers. The Satanists’ job is to stage horrific incidents on both sides in order to incite Israelis and Arabs into killing each other.
This is the age-old method of trauma-based mind control. Members of slave races are traumatized and then misdirected by their tormentors into attacking the Satanists’ intended targets.
Listen to Emir Weitmann, a member of Israel’s ruling Likud Party, threaten Russia on RT television to see an example. He is a classic victim of the sort of trauma-based mind control the Jews have been subjected to for thousands of years. After witnessing atrocities against people he loves, he has been fooled into thinking Russia was at fault. He cannot see the real perpetrators hiding in his own society.