
Sooner or later there will be a ~M 7.5 #earthquake in this region (South-Central Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon). #deprem pic.twitter.com/6CcSnjJmCV
— Frank Hoogerbeets (@hogrbe) February 3, 2023
I tried to explain to this seismologist from Turkey that with planetary positions we specifically anticipate magnitude 6 and larger. Alas, the man doesn't want to know, but keeps mocking the subject. In the end, ignorance can become a great handicap.#earthquake #deprem pic.twitter.com/uJbgPH0CaG
— Frank Hoogerbeets (@hogrbe) January 19, 2023
After 9 years of research, we have a much better understanding of planetary/lunar geometry that precedes large earthquakes. Lunar geometry in particular has been greatly underestimated. A great example is this 2020 case, which is now understood thanks to lunar geometry details! pic.twitter.com/BfYduxq1nE
— SSGEOS Research and Education (@ssgeos_edu) January 27, 2023
Felt #earthquake M 5.9 - TURKEY-IRAN BORDER REGION - 2023-01-28 18:14:47 UTC pic.twitter.com/0OTyzQhjz0
— SSGEOS (@ssgeos) January 28, 2023
Weak fluctuation could indicate a potential for stronger seismic activity in or near the purple band 1-6 days. This is an estimate. Other regions are not excluded. pic.twitter.com/P9Ne6jruJ8
— SSGEOS (@ssgeos) January 30, 2023
Sooner or later there will be a ~M 7.5 #earthquake in this region (South-Central Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon). #deprem pic.twitter.com/6CcSnjJmCV
— Frank Hoogerbeets (@hogrbe) February 3, 2023
#earthquake M 7.8 - CENTRAL TURKEY - 2023-02-06 01:17:32 UTC pic.twitter.com/rq2QdZxhnD
— SSGEOS (@ssgeos) February 6, 2023
My heart goes out to everyone affected by the major earthquake in Central Turkey.
— Frank Hoogerbeets (@hogrbe) February 6, 2023
As I stated earlier, sooner or later this would happen in this region, similar to the years 115 and 526. These earthquakes are always preceded by critical planetary geometry, as we had on 4-5 Feb.
“続きはこちらから”をご覧になると、フランク・フーガービーツ氏は天体の配置から地震を予測しているようなのですが、どのような理論に基づいているのかは分かりません。しかし、2月3日午後9時3分のツイート「遅かれ早かれ、この地域(トルコ中南部、ヨルダン、シリア、レバノン)で M7.5 の #地震 が発生するでしょう。」は的中しました。
フランク・フーガービーツ氏は動画の2分15秒の所で、“地球の約 4/5 が太陽、木星、金星と整列し、別の日に太陽が水星と天王星と同じ線上にあると言っています。 6日に両方のシナリオが発生し、月の引力とともに影響を及ぼし、地球に地震、つまり地震活動を引き起こす(@nneehhaa115577)”と言っているようです。