Preparations begin for a new Bretton Woods and new age: Merry Christmas
Benjamin Fulford
December 25, 2023
Now that the defeat of the Khazarian Mafia is inevitable, preparations for a new Bretton Woods conference to map a new future for humanity have begun. This means we are now in a sort of interlude between the end of the old system and the start of the new. The implications will be life-changing for all of us.
To understand what this will mean for the West, it might be a good time to look at the fall of the Soviet Union. When I visited Russia after the fall of the USSR one thing I noticed was huge and derelict industrial plants and complexes lying abandoned in the countryside. A system that had been running for 75 years suddenly stopped and the results were far-reaching. Entire industrial echo systems suddenly had the plug pulled on them. What followed was looting and poverty as KM gangsters jumped into the vacuum that followed the collapse. Then, when Christian Russian patriots rallied behind the symbol of Vladimir Putin, living standards doubled within a year. Now a renewed Russia is stronger and more prosperous than at any time under the USSR.
The West is now facing a similar situation. Huge industrial and social processes that have been continuing for decades are being or will be, stopped in their tracks. If the process is not handled properly, the result will be widespread poverty and social decay. This is already underway as Western, especially US living standards plummet. Things will get far worse until the victors of the war against the KM plot a new direction for the West.
原発の構造は、30年程度の「日常的な運転ですら鉄錆が溜まり、 配管に当たり傷つける」そうです。しかしその耐用年数を60年に延長すると、資産に勘定され黒字化します。投資家にとっては「高配当が得られるのであれば、日本が原発事故で滅びようが知ったことではない。」とあります。