Paradigm shift as Rome, Israel collapse while Ottoman Empire revives
Benjamin Fulford
December 23, 2024
The Western world is going through a paradigm shift as one version of reality shifts to another. Monotheistic people are herded along using a story written by a hidden elite. This story is enforced with violence, bribery, street theater (often involving real murder) and mass propaganda. What is happening is that the story tellers are losing the plot and the days of herding sheeple are coming to an end. This is what we mean about a new version of reality emerging.
So let us look at the “reality” that is now in the midst of a train wreck. In this reality, the evil empire Russia is on its last legs, greater Israel is about to be created, China is the “second-largest economy,” and the US-centered “rules-based world order,” remains in charge. The people who believe in this story are like Nazis watching propaganda movies about super weapons that will bring victory to Germany; even as Russian tanks approach Berlin.
This story is enforced by the P2 Freemasons now gathering in Mar a Largo, Florida. Recently they have been threatening to murder influencers to prevent them from talking to people who report the actual truth, such as myself. This group has its own President-elect Donald Trump, its own Asian secret society and a shrinking base of slave governments. They also control a dollar printing machine that is now limited to pumping up crypto-currencies and the stock market.
The controllers of the “rules based world order,” last week held an emergency meeting at Mar a Largo Florida. This meeting included Leo Zagami of the P2 Freemasons and the leaders of the P3 Freemasons who, until now, had an arrest warrant out for Zagami, according to P3 sources. This group decided to circle the wagons around Elon “Champion of Satan” Musk.
This news item shows the Musk strategy:
House Democrats Jim McGovern of Massachusetts and Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut say their Republican colleagues in Congress caved to the demands of Elon Musk, sinking a bipartisan government funding bill that would have regulated U.S. investments in China.
“His bottom line depends on staying in China’s good graces,” McGovern wrote about Musk. “He wants to build an AI data center there too — which could endanger U.S. security. He’s been bending over backwards to ingratiate himself with Chinese leaders.”
So there we have it, he is selling US military and technological secrets to China in order to get funding to keep the US Corporate government in business.
The Chinese he has been doing business with are part of a fake Asian secret society that is being put down, according to real Asian Secret Society sources.
ロシアが現在脅威に感じているのが、中国の「地熱エネルギー技術」であり、それは「ほぼ無限に近い無料のエネルギーを地球全体に提供できる可能性」を秘めていると言っています。「クエイズ・エナジー(Quaise Energy)という企業が…岩石を溶かす技術を活用して、深さ10キロメートルの穴を掘ることを可能にしている」とのこと。こちらの記事によると、「Quaiseは最新の掘削装置とジャイロトロンを組み合わせることで、岩盤を溶かすようにして、わずか数カ月で深さ約20kmの穴を掘ることができる…深さ約20kmに達する穴の底では岩盤の温度が約500度に達するため、ポンプで送った液体を地熱で蒸気などに変換して、発電に利用することが可能」とのことです。