The secret history of the financial war for control of the planet earth (Prewritten)
Benjamin Fulford
July 29, 2024
Weekly raw news and video feed at the end of the report.
Since many people have only recently discovered there is a secret financial war going on for the planet earth, we have decided to provide a summary as we start our annual sabbatical. This year it will be in the Japanese alps and only for two weeks because of the intense secret war now raging. The information here comes Asian and European royals, intelligence agencies, secret societies etc. gleaned during the two decades I have been involved in this secret war.
Although the war has been raging for millennia, we will start in 1913. That is the year a group of bankers took control of creating and distributing money away from the US Congress and created the Federal Reserve Board.戦争は何千年も続いているが、1913年から始めることにする。この年、銀行家グループがアメリカ議会から貨幣の発行と分配の権限を奪い、連邦準備制度理事会を設立した。
Having seized control of the US, the bankers immediately set into motion their plan to start World War I. This war led to the destruction of the German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires.アメリカを掌握した銀行家たちは、直ちに第一次世界大戦を開始する計画を実行に移した。この戦争はドイツ帝国、オーストリア・ハンガリー帝国、オスマン帝国を滅亡させた。
At the end of the war, at the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was forced to pay 132 billion gold marks as compensation. The only people who could provide Germany with so much gold were the Asian royals.戦争末期に、ヴェルサイユ条約でドイツは賠償金として1320億金マルクを支払うことを余儀なくされた。ドイツにこれだけの量の金を提供できたのは、アジアの王族だけだった。
As background, since Roman times the Asians have been sending spices, silk, ceramics etc. to the West and receiving gold and silver as payment. As a result of this, 85% of the worlds’ gold stocks are in Asia.その背景として、ローマ時代からアジア人たちは西洋に香辛料、絹、陶磁器などを送り、その対価として金や銀を受け取ってきた。その結果、世界の金の85%はアジアにある。
The deal the Germans reached with the Asian royals resulted in the creation of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in 1930. According to Asians royals a secret deal was reached that, in exchange for Asian gold, promised the creation of a global parliament with royals acting as guardians. The Asians were told this would require World War II in order for it to be set up.ドイツがアジアの王族と結んだ協定により、1930年に国際決済銀行(BIS)が設立された。アジアの王族によれば、アジアの金と引き換えに、王族が守護者となる世界議会の設立を約束する密約が交わされたのだという。そのためには第二次世界大戦が必要だとアジアの王族は聞かされていた。
In preparation for this war, US Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau went around Asia in the 1930’s collecting gold in exchange for Treaty of Versailles boxes containing bonds denominated in countless trillions of dollars.この戦争に備えて、ヘンリー・モーゲンソー米財務長官は1930年代にアジアを巡り、数兆ドル単位の債権が入ったヴェルサイユ条約の箱と引き換えに金を集めた。
Author:Yousuf Karsh[CC BY-SA]
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