The Timeline of The World’s Future Will Be Chosen This Week
Over the next week, one of several timelines will determine the future of humanity.One is the fraudulent installment of Joe Biden as President followed by the U.S. surrender to Communist China.The second is the re-election of Donald Trump as president of the bankrupt U.S. Corporation, which may happen following an interim military government, publicly viewed election fraud investigation, and eventually what Trump described as “a smooth transition” to the new Republic.This could involve an escalating trade and cyberwar with China, to the detriment of Planet Earth.
The third is to choose neither of the above, followed by an interregnum to replace a corrupted and bankrupt U.S. Corporation with something that actually represents the aspirations of the American people and of humanity as a whole.This third option would mean humanity would be free to decide its own future, instead of being herded by fear from one manufactured crisis to the next.
The future of the United States will be in the hands of 20,000+ National Guard troops who have been deployed in Washington DC to oversee the inauguration of the next president of the U.S. Corporation.What these troops need to ask themselves is why are they guarding the so-called democratically elected government from the people.
Instead of facing out to protect a corrupt government from the wrath of the people they supposedly represent, they need to realize instead they have the criminals surrounded.They have to round up the Deep State actors inside the beltway who were knowingly involved in the certification of a fraudulent election and committed treason.
That means the American people need to work the phones, call friends and friends of friends, to contact the people deployed in DC, and remind them they swore to protect the constitution of the Republic of the United States of America against ALL enemies FOREIGN and DOMESTIC.On January 20th you will have them surrounded.Go round them up while you can.
The troops stationed in DC may have been brainwashed into believing they are protecting a legitimately elected Joe Biden against “White Supremacist” Trump fanatics.That is why these troops need to ask themselves why they did not have to protect Barack Obama from these same “White Supremacists” when he was elected.The reason is that when Obama was elected they believed it was by a majority of the American people (and Dominion voting machine software).That is not the case with China Joe where additional fake ballot dumps in the middle of the night were required.
The other thing the troops need to understand is that they are being lied to about why the presidential inauguration has to be held behind closed doors as a “virtual inauguration,” because of the “Covid-19” pandemic.The U.S. military has been provided with decisive proof that the entire manufactured crisis is the result of a long-planned, elaborate fraud.Additionally, there is also the possibility they may be aware that a transition is about to take place from the U.S. Corporation to the return of the Republic.
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