US President, Pope, King of England and Emperor of Japan all about to fall
Benjamin Fulford
December 4, 2023
The world is undergoing the biggest changes in centuries if not millennia. When the dust settles, the US President, the Pope, the King of England and the Emperor of Japan are all likely to be removed. Also, the last of the Satanists will be hunted down and brought to justice and their remaining Swiss, Israeli and US fortresses will suffer a Masada-like fall. This is what senior Asian secret society sources predict.
The signs of this are everywhere. Last week for example saw leaders from nearly 200 countries and around 100,000 delegates gather in Dubai for COP 28 with begging cups in their hands. EU Chief Ursula von der Leyen tweeted “In climate finance, we have to move from billions to trillions.” King Charles demanded that taxpayers around the globe cough up $5 trillion every year in order to advance the globalist “Net Zero” agenda.
Their attempts to grab “green” money from Western countries has already led Canada’s Alberta Province to openly revolt against the Castrudeau KM proxy government.
記事を書くきっかけは、まのじ編集長から紹介された「玉城デニー知事が起こす沖縄危機」 です。他にも「誰が玉城デニー知事を操っているのか?」、仲村覚著「狙われた沖縄」を参考にしました。