のっけから私、怒って宜しいでしょうか。先週、アイザック・グリーン氏のAntiSchool(アンタイ・スクール)というYouTube動画シリーズがアカウントごとごっそり削除されたことを先週の記事内でお伝えしました。今週は、いつも視聴しているジョーダン・セイザー氏のDestroying the Illusion(ディストロイイング・ディ・イルージョン)というYouTube動画シリーズがこんなことにっ!
二人共、独立系メディアとして大変大変優秀な方でした。そ~れ~を~、おのれ悪の帝国○―グルめ。マジでShame on you(恥を知れ)だっつーのっ(※パークランドの偽旗・高校乱射事件で、カバールに操られた高校生たちが最近連呼している台詞。完全にブーメランだろ、とツッコんでます)。
Mainstream Media is plastering this kid’s face in more places than Big Brother had in Orwell’s “1984,” and if you expose him on YouTube, your channel gets deleted. Has he been anointed to be the Antichrist or something? pic.twitter.com/umk0byX6ra
.@RussiaUN: #EastGhouta is exploited to call for regime change in Syria. Why wouldn't Western media and governments care about shelling of Damascus or 50 persons injured by mines every day in Raqqa? pic.twitter.com/hdqcjuRSbU
— Russian Embassy, UK (@RussianEmbassy) 2018年2月23日
9- There are five main islamist terror groups occupying Eastern Ghouta of which includes US/UK/Gulf-Backed Jaysh Al Islam (Army of Islam) and one of Washington's main "moderate" tools in Syria,
10- the group is responsible for massacring dozens of civilians after they indiscriminately shelled residential areas in Damascus, they also shared a video of their militants caging women and children and placing them on the roofs as human shields (https://t.co/mR4bf6cd7e)
11- then we have Ahrar Al Sham, an islamist radical group sponsored by the same countries listed above also responsible for the death of hundreds due to their indiscriminate bombings
12- thirdly there is the Radical Qatari-backed Al Rahman legion capturing Jobar in Eastern Ghouta and responsible for killing civilians including children after they shelled markets, schools and neighbourhoods in Damascus with mortar shells. They also claimed suicide attacks
13- The last remaining fractions are Al Nusra and Tahrir Al Sham whom both are an offshoot of Al Qaeda and responsible for many terrorist Attacks against civilians in Syria and Lebanon, these groups occupies the majority of eastern Ghouta
15- All the fractions listed above are responsible for the death of all civilians in Eastern Ghouta after they refused all offers from the Syrian Government to evacuate civilians from war torn Ghouta and according to civilians sharing their stories from eastern Ghouta
16- the "rebels" are monopolising food supplies and medical aid provided by the Government which led to the starvation of many forcibly held civilians (watch video: https://t.co/8AeQDFQiGm)
Even After 7 years of failed negotiations with terrorists for the sake of civilians held in Eastern Ghouta, the syrian government dropped flyers and maps on the terrorist-held city to give details for civilians on how to flee areas with high tensions and guaranteed them safety pic.twitter.com/JzYQZx2F0H
Heartbreaking! Moment when a mortar shell fired by terrorists in Eastern Ghouta stroke a school compound in Damascus killing 3. This is what the syrian people in Damascus had to go through for 7 years because of radicals in Eastern Ghouta. They've had enough pic.twitter.com/Tfgvj38ro8