The White Dragon Society plan for the planet.
Benjamin Fulford
August 14, 2023
The ancient ruling bloodlines of the planet are trying to negotiate a surrender with the White Dragon Society and their white hat allies. The main obstacle to replacing the current dystopian regime ruling the West is now the question of what alternative is going to replace it.地球の古代支配者の血統は、白龍会とそのホワイトハットの同盟者と降伏の交渉をしようとしている。西側を支配している現在のディストピア*政権に取って代わるための主な障害は、現在、どのような代替案がそれに取って代わるかという問題である。
For this reason, the WDS is presenting a set of proposals. These are not meant to be a definitive conclusion but rather a starting point for constructive debate about how we as a species are to navigate into the future.このため、白龍会はいくつかの提案を提示している。これらは最終的な結論ではなく、我々人類がどのような未来へ進むべきかについて、建設的な議論を行うための出発点となるものである。
Before we do this, though, let us confirm the current system is going to collapse. Thomas Jefferson was prophetic when he said:
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered…. I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
He was right. If a privately owned central bank creates $1 trillion out of thin air and then distributes it to its cronies, it will be in effect stealing that trillion from the American people. By one calculation “$450 trillion in income was siphoned away from US workers between 1975 and 2018: Due largely to the effects of inflation, a massive and invisible decline in real wages was experienced by US workers in the form of forgone income that went unnoticed by most US families.”
This works out to $1.46 million stolen from every man, woman and child in the United States. If you start with 1972, when the US dollar was taken off the gold standard, update that to 2023 and use real inflation data it works out to more than $2 million per person.
Now though, the banksters have killed the goose that laid the golden egg. They cannot steal anymore from the American People.
Here is the math: The US median income is $31,000 while the median home price is $437,000 so, at the current mortgage interest rate of 7.12% the monthly mortgage payment would be $2,942. That means the annual payment would be $35,304. In other words, if the average American did not pay for food, utilities or anything else, they still could not afford to buy a home. This means the system is broken beyond repair.
The FRB criminals use various statistical lies to try to cover this up. For example, they will say per capita GDP is $70,000. However, that number hides income inequality by dividing total income by total population. For example, if Bill Gates walks into a cafeteria and starts buying everything, the per capita income of the people there shoots up even though they will not be able to buy any food. The median income is the level at which half the people are above and half below and so reflects reality.
ワクチンを接種すると心筋炎の危険があることは、かなり早い段階で分かっていました。2021年7月22日の記事で紹介したイスラエルの市民団体「IPC(Israeli People's Committee)」の調査によると、“2021年7月10日の時点で426名の死亡を確認、2,892件の有害事象には、大量膣出血、月経異常、流産、死産、神経障害、心血管障害、心筋炎などが含まれていた”ということでした。
実際に「心臓発作での入院数」は増えていることが、最後のShortShort Newsさんのツイートを見ると分かります。