Are they about to announce a world government?
We are hearing from multiple sources that they (=not us) are planning to announce a world government in the near future. Sources in the intelligence community and secret societies say that to accomplish this, humanity is being put through an initiation ceremony. So -according to them- the pandemic and vaccine campaign, the Ukrainian war, the UFOs and toxic accidents are all just theater designed to force the masses into submission to a world authority.
This sounds like an excuse to avoid Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunals because there can be no doubt large amounts of people have been murdered as a part of this “initiation ceremony.”
There is also plenty of evidence the Khazarian Mafia who have hijacked most Western governments really have been trying to kill 90% of the world’s population. They have been caught multiple times trying to start a nuclear war, spread diseases, cause mass starvation etc.
They have also been trying to impose a mark of the beast central control over all money, food etc. with their digital IDs and centrally controlled digital currency.
In a sign this process is well underway, the other day when asking why the bank stopped a colleague from sending money overseas, a Canadian banker told him he had “failed their screening process.” He also used the phrase “UN dollar,” to refer to what we know of as the “US dollar.”
In places like Brazil, they are now linking vaccination status to welfare payments etc. even though the vaccines have now been proven toxic. Here is why: This Pfizer patent application -approved on August 31st, 2021- is for the purpose of remote contact tracing of all vaccinated humans worldwide. They will be or are now connected to the “internet of things” by a quantum link of pulsating microwave frequencies of 2.4 gHz or higher from cell towers and satellites directly to the graphene oxide held in the fatty tissues of all persons who’ve had the death shot. Read that AGAIN!
【左:刺青のあるバイデン、 右:刺青なしで毛もじゃのバイデン】
So, there can be no doubt we really are dealing with a Satanic attempt to take over the planet by forcing us to obey or starve with a mark of the beast financial control system.
Not only are they trying to enslave us, but they are also still trying to kill most of us. We’re getting information about a major new push to start real World War III involving tank battles bigger than any seen in World War II.
最後のツイートは面白い。ロシアに半年以上滞在した人が「プーチンは最後の独裁者」という“神話”について語っています。「確実に言えることはプーチンに対する不満はある。実際に、市民や住民たちは不平不満を口にする。」「わかるかい?プーチンが気に入らない、それは大いに結構じゃないか。はははははは! (中略)ロシアじゃ一大事が起きていて、ドネツクは砲撃されている、橋とかいろいろやられてる、なのにプーチンは優し過ぎると思われているんだ。」「ロシアにデモはあるよ。特別軍事作戦を支持するデモが。一刻も早く『終わらせる』ためにね。」「市民はドネツク、ルガンスク、ヘルソン、ハルコフの涙を見るのはもううんざりなんだ。もちろん、他のウクライナ人の涙も。」「つまり、市民は政府よりもっと独裁的なのさ。」