Khazarian mafia hide in bunkers as war is declared
A formal declaration of war by the Anglo Saxon five eyes group has now been made against the Khazarian mafia, otherwise known as the Nazi Fourth Reich.
【*《UKUSAは「United Kingdom‐United States of America」の略》SIGINT(シギント)(通信・電波の傍受による情報収集活動)施設の共同利用に関する多国間協定。米国・英国・カナダ・オーストラリア・ニュージーランドの5か国が加盟。(コトバンクより)】
Here is the declaration of war as sent by Queen Elizabeth II:
“We have been repeatedly contacted around the world about the public health emergencies. Some of the contacts have suggested very grave crimes against humanity up to and including genocide.
When we were first alarmed we began to watch from afar. We found all of the counterintelligence to be true and that in fact, all of the world’s civilian governments were, under military law, in high treason.
We cannot evade the real and actionable truth that mass murders have and are happening…We have to by military and martial law, issue this statement.”
As for rumors that her majesty is no longer with us, MI6 had the following to say: “Dead or alive the legacy lives on. Enough said.”
女王がもういないという噂について、MI6 【《英》軍事情報活動第6部】は次のように述べている。「死んでいようが生きていようが、レガシーは生き続ける。以上だ。」