As Ukraine war ends, fireworks set for Asia
Benjamin Fulford
April 17, 2023
The Ukrainian war has now ended and Ukraine will cease to exist. The next targets are South Korea, Taiwan and Japan, Asian and Western secret society sources say. The fall of the fake Joe Biden regime and its controllers is also now imminent, they say.ウクライナ戦争はこれで終わり、ウクライナは消滅するだろう。アジアと欧米の秘密結社の情報筋によると、次の標的は韓国、台湾、日本であり、偽のジョー・バイデン政権とその支配者の崩壊も間近だろうということだ。
The war in Ukraine ended with the military defeat of the Nazi forces and the destruction of the Ukrainian army. That is why Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the Wagner Group announced “Our task has been completed” and “Russia has achieved the results that it planned.”
Independent US analysts like Colonel Douglas McGregor agree. He describes the war as a massacre with 250,000 Ukrainian soldiers dead and 300,000 seriously wounded.
That is why the visit of French President Emmanuelle Macron to China was to negotiate surrender on the behalf of his Rothschild masters, MI6 and other sources say.
Public statements by various leaders confirm the end of the war. For example, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban, -who describes the US as “a main adversary-” says that “Ukraine is a non-existent country in financial terms,” since it cannot finance itself.様々な指導者による公的な声明が、戦争が終結したことを裏付けている。例えば、ハンガリーのオルバーン・ヴィクトル首相は、米国を「主要な敵」と表現し、「ウクライナは財政的に存在しない国である」と述べている。
Since France, as a part of the surrender agreement, is blocking all further EU funding for Ukraine, it is game over. Polish news reports confirm this cut-off.フランスは降伏合意の一環として、ウクライナへのEUの資金提供をすべてブロックしているため、ゲームオーバーとなった。ポーランドのニュース報道では、この支援停止を確認しているという情報もある。
MI6, describing Ukraine as a “CIA failed state capture,” says “France will deal with Germany aka The European Union (Soviets) to wind up Ukraine so we consider the Russo-Ukrainian Conflagration ended.”
“The German Federal Republic, the EU’s strongest economy, do not want their weapons to be used against Russia,” Polish intelligence says. The western part of Ukraine will become part of the Republic of Poland in October, they add. In addition, they say “NATO will fall apart in a year, max 2 years,” because Germany and France have agreed on a new security framework that will include Russia. MI6 agrees with this prediction.「EU最大の経済力を誇るドイツ連邦共和国は、自分たちの武器がロシアに対して使われることを望んでいない」とポーランド情報機関は言う。ウクライナ西部は10月にポーランド共和国の一部となる、と彼らは付け加えている。さらに、ドイツとフランスがロシアを含む新しい安全保障の枠組みに合意したため、「NATOは1年以内、最大2年以内に崩壊する」とも述べている。MI6【《英》軍事情報活動第6部】もこの予測に同意。